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How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

GLO Nigeria is one of the biggest network providers in the West African region including Nigeria, They are known for their high internet speed and good network coverage which has caused more mobile device users to acquire a GLO sim. GLO has over 45 million subscribers making it the second largest network operator in Nigeria. The network service company has been in the market for two decades now. GLO offers its customers good subscription packages at a very good price. It is often said that we GLO you get more and pay less, their offers range from daily, weekly, monthly, and even annually, it all depends on which is most favorable for you. People find themselves in a position where the data subscription is renewed without their permission or authorization, this can be baffling at times and also cause panic, if you have noticed that once you’re about to run out of data subscription or already out of subscription that it automatically purchase a new one immediately then you’re subscribed to an auto-renewal service. You might be among those who are not aware of our to stop the auto-renewal service and that is why this article is a must-read for you, This article will give you a step-by-step guide on How to cancel an Auto-renewal subscription on the GLO network.

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.


How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

Auto-renewal ensures the continuation of your plan into the upcoming period and will be automatically renewed as long as you have sufficient funds in your account. The chosen plan’s cost is automatically deducted using your credit or airtime and sometimes this action might be against the will of the user.

The first-hand method To halt the subscription is by reaching out to use the option of utilizing a USSD code, sending an SMS, or accessing the online platform.

To cancel auto-renewal by using the USSD code.

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

To discontinue auto-renewal on the GLO network, you can dial the USSD code *777#. Follow the provided instructions to terminate auto-renewal services. This code serves as a comprehensive tool for managing all aspects of your GLO line, accessible without requiring an internet connection and compatible with all device types. Here is a step-by-step guideline:-

Step 1: Dial *777# on your phone.

Step 2: Select option 10, “VAS” by sending 10

Step 3: Select option 7 or find the option for “Unsubscribe” by sending 7

Step 4: Choose the option you want to cancel and confirm. Then the auto-renewal will be canceled.

To cancel auto-renewal by SMS.

For those who have activated auto-renewal but wish to cancel, send an SMS containing the word “CANCEL” to 127 from your mobile phone’s messaging app. By doing so, all subscriptions will cease automatic renewal. A confirmation text will confirm the successful opt-out. This method applies to all handset models and data plans provided by GLO Mobile Network.

To cancel auto renewal Use the mobile app.

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

Deactivating all auto-renewable subscriptions can also be accomplished through the official GLO mobile Application, If you’re currently using the GLO network and you have the network provider mobile app you can easily deactivate the auto-renewal subscription on the platform, by following these simple steps.

Step 1: Open the GLO app on your device.

Step 2: Look for the “Subscriptions” tab and tap on it.

Step 3: Select the subscription you wish to cancel.

Step 4: Tap on the “Cancel Subscription” button.

Can a further deactivate the auto-renewal subscription by these other two methods

To halt the auto-renewal feature on GLO services with the assistance of customer care, you can dial 121, select your preferred language, converse with a representative, share your phone number, and request to deactivate any data or subscription set to auto-renew. Alternatively, you can visit a nearby Glo experience center and seek guidance from a GLO customer representative.

Ceasing Auto-Renewal on GLO via the Unified NCC Short Code:

To terminate auto-renewal on your GLO mobile line, you can use the newly introduced unified NCC short code *305#. By dialing this code, you’ll be guided through steps to cancel any ongoing auto-renewal on your GLO services.

How to cancel Auto-renewal subscription on GLO network.

If any of these still don’t you should visit any GLO outlet around and lodge a complaint and your issue will be resolved immediately.


Canceling My Data Plan on the GLO network

You can Effortlessly cancel your data plan on GLO by sending the text “CANCEL” to 127. Alternatively, connect with GLO customer service at 121 and request assistance to terminate your data plan.

Checking GLO Subscription Status on my phone:-

To ascertain your GLO subscription status, you can use either of these methods:

Using USSD code: Dial 1270# on your GLO line to view your current subscription status on your phone’s screen.

Via Text message: Send “STATUS” to 777 in a text message to receive details about your ongoing GLO subscription.

In conclusion, you can use any of the given guidelines or steps to resolve auto-renewal subscription issues on your GLO Network.

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