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How Modern AI Robots Are Being Trained For Multi-task Jobs (+video)

Teaching the AI Robots how to do multitasks jobs

Artificial intelligence has come a long way from electronics gadgets to space research, hospital equipment, military wares, surveillance, to the making of intelligent Robots, and lots more.

Humanoids are robots designed in accordance with human physical appearance. When such a robot is equipped with artificial intelligence for exceptional performance as seen in most modern robots, such would be referred to as AI Robot which means ‘artificial intelligence Robot’.

According to HANSON Robotics the makers of the popular Sophia robot, an artificial brain are now being developed which comprises of advanced circuits systems and complex software programs that could be used to control any robot especially humanoids.

Any robot equipped with such a brain can be said to be an AI Robot irrespective of the shape or physical appearance. However, if such have a human physical appearance they could be referred to as humanoid AI Robots.

Recently, a Chinese firm unveiled a humanoid AI Robot undergoing a learning process to carry out multitask jobs such as making dough for baking and other similar tasks.

Though not the first time, a machine learning demonstration has previously been made on AI humahumanoid robots and more of such tests may be coming out as time progresses.

Since AI Robots need word recognition, voice/speech recognition, facial recognition, and other features, learning from humans may be possible. However, such may not be possible if the robot is not equipped with the right software applications to enhance such functionalities.

Notwithstanding, it could still be noted that fear of abuse as regards robots programming and advancement has been the vital center of discussion. Some experts believe that we could program robots to the level that they become abusive and violent without our full control.

The video shows a simple example of how robots could turn violent if they feel threatened or attacked by humans.

Though not necessarily possible for robots to wage war or initiate a fight against humans but the ability to program weapon recognition, vocal tone recognition, emotional switch, and other behaviors associated with humans could aid robots to know when being attacked by humans and could possibly seek for defense.

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