Top secrets of Falcon Birds Included in the B2 Bomber
No doubt, the United States B2 Bomber is currently the most unique military aircraft based on general considerations of its characteristics. Despite efforts by others to make something equivalent or like it, this unique aircraft remains unchallenged.
The B2 Bomber is a multi-role heavy strategic stealth bomber capable of executing low-observable stealth features and able to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses. It has a top speed record of 628mph, a Wingspan of 172’ 0”, and The Overall Weight is 158,100 lbs (about 71712.9 kg). (About 71712.9 kg). (About 71712.9 kg). (About 71712.9 kg), The range is 6,897.2 mi (about 11099.97 km), Fuel Capacity is 24,700 gal (about 93499.63 L), and the current cost is about 1.4 billion dollars (about $4 per person in the US).
This unique military aircraft was built by Northrop Grumman Corporation, Northrop Corporation, Hughes Aircraft Company. Since the first model of the B2 Bomber took its first flight on July 17, 1989, the aircraft has been on consistent upgrades and modifications in the subsequent models.
Despite the upgrades, the vital features associated with the B2 bomber remain intact which has made most modern military aircraft non-equal to the B2 bomber. For instance, the high stealth capability, the high streamlining design, the widespan wings, and easy acceleration and deceleration, the B2 bomber also has other special electronics features.
Below are the pictorial demonstrations of the features:

From the above illustrations, the powerful features can be ascertained. Not only that, the obvious resemblance of the aircraft to the Falcon was not a mistake rather the concept from the beginning. The current capabilities of the B2 Bomber can be associated with the capabilities found in the Falcon. The quick dive of the falcon helps the aircraft to make a quick and untraceable dive into the enemy defense to execute a task and make a quick exit just as the falcon would.
Despite the heavyweight, big size, and other characteristics that ought to serve as a disadvantage, the B2 bomber remains one of the greatest military aircraft any enemy should be afraid of.