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How To Use Boomplay App For Downloads, Playing Of Songs & Videos & Online Streaming


How To Use Boomplay App For Downloads, Playing Of Songs & Videos & Online Streamings

How To Use Boomplay App
How To Use Boomplay App

BOOMPLAY App is a mobile phone software application usually found in android phones as a default app.

This implies that you don’t need to download it because it comes as an ‘already-installed’ app on your phone. This could be the reason new smartphone users seem to skip using it for the intended purpose.

Music playing Apps help in playing the songs in your phone memory and your phone memory card. The ability to enjoy your favorite songs on your phone depends on the music player.

This means the way the music player app organizes your songs and helps you with many options such as creating the playlist, random playing selection, equalizers, sound classifications, etc.

As a default app, it is supposed to be your first choice of music player, however, some other music players may accompany your phone. The complexity in the software design of Boomplay makes it confusing for many users as a result, many opt for alternative music players.

What some assumed to be complex is actually what makes Boomplay unique. Through the Boomplay app on your smartphone, you can download any music of your choice, and play any song online or offline.

It is an app serving as an online medium for your phone and the internet by connecting directly to the internet while playing songs and helps to play songs that are not on your phone directly from the internet.

Boomplay also helps you to make a quick playlist of your favorite songs by saving songs according to time played, and other criteria. It also helps to create a playlist of songs according to the available playlists in the Boomplay online songs list.

In the mobile app, you will see a list of songs by different artists both gospel, hip-hop, blues, reggae, and lots more.

The songs also have a section of a playlist created by other users. You can massively select a playlist and download it to your smartphone.

Assuming you love blues, you can get hundreds of your favorite blues songs within a few minutes by downloading playlists in the “Blues” category.

Another great offer is the ability to subscribe to specific songs which are not free for download. These songs have been limited by the artists against free download in Boomplay, however, Boomplay lets you play such songs online.

Boomplay also helps to differentiate local music from online music. You will be accessing two sections of the music in your phone the ones in your phone memory and the ones in the Boomplay app memory and only accessible online.


Using Boomplay is not as complex as you may be thinking. It starts by creating an account in the mobile app. Use the account to log in, and connect your phone memory to that of the app by granting access to the app.

At this stage, you can decide to play the online songs displayed on the app or access your local songs in your phone memory by clicking on the library button and then the local music button. This will open all the songs on your phone and memory card.

Once the songs open, you can play all and make necessary settings such as random selection, non-random selection, and lots more. However, you can create your local music playlist while on the local music folder. Then make a mass selection of your favorite songs or categorized songs into a specific playlist.

After creating your playlist for the ‘Local Music” folder songs, you can go back to the Boom Music folder which is the default landing folder of the app to create other playlists online for boom songs.

If you have enough data and memory space you can download the songs in each Boomplay online playlist. This will make it possible to play those songs offline.

Besides, playing songs, you can access your local videos and play them via the BoomPlay app. To do that, click on the ‘Videos’ folder to access the videos in your memory card and phone memory. Click on any one of them to play it

Besides playing your local videos, you can also play online videos via the Boomplay “Videos” folder located in the default folder known as “BoomMusic”. Here you can fetch videos online and play them directly on your phone.

A Video Showing How To Use Boomplay App

The video below provides some demonstrations you may need for a better understanding.


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