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Current Price Of Table-Stand Sewing Machines In Nigeria

Modern sewing-machine


As tailoring is becoming one of the entrepreneurship skills in Nigeria, the same goes for the price of sewing machines which had been on increase following the economic inflation in the last few years.
The current price of sewing machines may not necessarily mean the actual price in your location within Nigeria, but frankly, the price may not be far from what you will get from your area. The price of each brand of the sewing machine was collected separately from the various dealers therefore, price variation is very possible.

Based on the little survey carried out, the current price of table-stand sewing machines as of August 2020 is:

BUTTERFLY (brand name)
Multi-Stitch Portable Sewing Machine (8190) = N32,000 – N35,000
Big-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N37,000 – N40,000
Small-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N34,000 – N37,000

TWOLION (brand name)
Big-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N34,000 – N37,000
Small-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N32,000 – N35,000

VINTAGE (brand name)
Vintage Music Box for Big-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N5,500 – N7,000
Vintage Music box for Small-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N4,000 – N5,000

TWO-LION (brand name)
Big-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N47,000 – N50,000
Small-Table-Domestic Sewing Machine = N40,000 – N45,000


The Brand Name
While some choices are based on recommendations, some were actually based on love for a particular brand name. Some of the brand names in the sewing machine market had been there for decades such names seem to dominate the new names based on their age of existence.

It is also obvious that the brand name equally influences the price of the sewing machine. Old names in the industry seem to sell at higher prices than new names.

Does a brand name really matter? The answer is yes, but not necessarily mean only the old names in the industry have quality sewing machines.

Some new brand names have proven to be well prepared before venturing into the manufacturing of sewing machines. Hence, it is not really the question of the brand but the brand name with proven records.

A good brand name will have its products in almost all the shops based on demand, however, the cheap price could also promote this factor since most brand that sells expensive sewing machines rarely show up in local markets. So put the brand name factor into consideration before making your choice.

Price does not necessarily mean quality. Yes, in a real term price of a product could be inflated based on many factors not necessarily because it is of higher quality than its counterparts.

However, the price had been a big factor that distinguishes standards in similar products with different brand names. In regard to this, when you are faced with some type of sewing machine with significant variations in prices, ask the dealer questions to know what made their prices different.

As a consumer, you have the right of knowing why one product is costlier than another one. A sincere dealer will not hesitate in telling you the truth which will enable you to the right choice.

Assuming there is no tangible reason why one is costlier than the other, then save your money and buy the cheaper one.

In most cases, the costlier sewing may have features that its counterpart does not have, hence, you can choose such type if the additional feature will be to your advantage.

The question is, how can you know a durable sewing machine by merely looking at it? Sure, you can’t. But there is a suggestion on how you can know a durable sewing machine. To know if a particular sewing machine is durable or to know the best choice for a professional tailor, you need to visit the dealer’s website and look at the sewing machine product review.

You have to also visit nearby tailors to carry out a simple survey to know the most commonly used sewing machines there, if similar brand names and types are used by the majority, then possibly that is the most durable one.

Do not just buy any sewing Machines if you have not gathered enough information concerning sewing machines. You should be able to know the grade of the sewing machine in terms of quality, the year it was produced, and the warranty it has.

This knowledge will guide you in ensuring that the quality you are buying is what is best affordable with your money. It will help you not to buy a fairly-used sewing machine at a high price or a new sewing machine with low grade in terms of quality at a high price.

Your Location
When buying the sewing machine consider the dealer’s location and yours. Though you may be offered a lower price transporting the sewing machine to your location may take back the discount offered to you.

Hence, look out for similar machines in the dealers’ shops within your locality to know the price difference before committing any money to any dealer.

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