What You Should Know About The Steps use in The Production of Cars
The rising design of different ranges of cars and their brands had given concern to how these cars are made.
Some claim their car or brand is superior to another due to some factors such as;
Long time records of their car brand,
How current their car design model is,
The rigidity of the physical parts of the car,
The cost of acquiring such car, etc.
However, besides all these there are basic steps that all car manufacturers do follow irrespective of the brand and model.

In the automobile plant, there are different mechanized machines meant for the purpose of assembling the car, and most of them (if not all) are automated.
For car production to be easier and faster most of the manufacturers can only produce 60% of the entire parts while the rest are supplied to them by their partnering bodies for parts production.

It takes an automobile industry with long-time existence history to have up to 90% of their car parts produced by them and such industries are few in number.
We are going to discuss the few steps that car production due undergoes to ensure the quality and a good look of the car.
As mentioned earlier, the car plant is an enormous assembly point, each as a collection of small assembly lines designed to produce sub-assemblies of finished components such as body, engine, and suspensions, etc. which can be assembled into the car later on.
Steps use in The Production of Cars

The car parts are put together in a carefully analyzed sequence called the assembly line, to ensure the car is assembled and inspected in the most efficient manner.
The manufacturing process always has job forms accompanying them, giving the specification of the job batch and the process made so far.
The robotic or human working sequences are;
First, the body shell is welded together, underbody inclusive.
Doors and lids are bolted on and all rough edges and marks are removed from the panel ready for painting.
The under-body is dipped in rust proof, epoxy resin, and thereafter.
The whole body is dipped in a large tank containing primer paint.
The body is then stoved in an oven.
The body is then sprayed.
After the above steps, further stoving of the sprayed body is carried out in the paint shop, and thereafter, the body travels on an overhead conveyor together with the doors, boot, lid, and bonnet and are then ready to be moved to the assembling line.
As the body begins its journey on one line, the engine and other parts begin theirs in another line until the entire line of final products meets in the final stage of assembling the sub-assembled parts.
Finally, at the end of the assembling, the steering alignment is set up and the lights are correctly adjusted.
The radiator is filled with water, petrol is put in the tank, and additional oil is put into the engine, the car is given a brief test on a dynamometer or rolling road.
The car can be driven at various speeds using all the ratios in the gearbox. Its performance, steering, and braking are checked against a standard, and the car is then driven off the line and given a brief road test.
This is summarized post discussing the six basic Steps use in The Production of Cars. Which are the most common processes that can be found in any Car/automobile manufacturing plant production line. Please share your thoughts with us through the comment section.