Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence To Judiciary
When the robotic firms made the predictions of the possible dominance of humans’ jobs with artificial intelligence machines, little was said concerning the legal sector like the law firms.
Over 50 crucial industrial jobs had been highlighted to be taken by the modern and upcoming artificial intelligence machines which could be in the form forms or industrial machines.
Current AI Jobs
Jobs like assembling of parts,
material loading and offloading,
conveying of finished products,
warehouse storage system,
detection of accident in industries,
automotive emergency signal system,
analyzing of damage production line parts,
driving of commercial vehicles, piloting of airplanes,
block laying and plastering in civil engineering,
advertisers for supermarkets and firms,
security personnel,
thunder detectors and signal outputs,
fire service personnel,
military armed machine soldiers,
class room teachers,
and office robotic secretaries, etc.
They are among the numerous jobs mentioned that artificial intelligence machines will take over from humans before the year 2030.
However, despite the future prediction more than half of the listed jobs had already been occupied by AI machines currently.

The use of such modern technology in the law firms and legal sector seems to appear impossible or not useful based on the nature of works associated with the professions.
Such as the handling of documents and files,
selection of relevant documents for a law case,
retrieval of lost or damaged documents,
writing or creation of new documents with unique signature and stamps,
and identification fake or forged documents, etc. have all been classified as the job any robotic machine in such firms will be expected to do.
According to Mr. Bernard Marr contribution in the artificial intelligence article published by, here is what he has to say
“Whenever a professional sector faces new technology, questions arise regarding how that technology will disrupt daily operations and the careers of those who choose that profession. And lawyers and the legal profession are no exception.
Today, artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to transform the legal profession in many ways, but in most cases it augments what humans do and frees them up to take on higher-level tasks such as advising to clients, negotiating deals and appearing in court.”

It is of no doubt that the law firms and legal sectors will need the AI machines just like the industrial sectors do.
However, based on our earlier publications; a firm actually made a robotic machine that can analyze any human hand writing, stamp and signature and use the data to produce any document bearing the handwriting.
Stamp and signature of the original owner using voice input or a copy of intended document in another handwriting or typed font.
The machine commentary said that it would be difficult to differentiate the document made by the machine from the original document made by the owner and they recommended the machine for office use and document handling.
This implies that the law firms and legal sectors already have a modern AI machine for creation of documents.
Having obtained such machine, what happens to other works carried out by the firms?
Based on the thousands of AI machines springing up every day, there is a belief that AI machines which can handle all the above listed works for firms had already been made through the robotic technology.
The above belief has made it necessary to define what the artificial intelligence is all about.
According to the Forbes definition; “Artificial intelligence mimics certain operations of the human mind and is the term used when machines are able to complete tasks that typically require human intelligence.
The term machine learning is when computers use rules (algorithms) to analyze data and learn patterns and glean insights from the data. Artificial intelligence is a large factor shifting the way legal work is done.”
Though science and technological terms may not be popular to the sector it is believed that proper explanation and machine learning can help them implement the modern robotic technology into their daily work activities.

Based on online research, these categories of firms are known for handling of documents and files with the majority of them having more than 50 thousand files or 100 thousand documents under their control.
Hence the of retrieval, loss of files, and misplacement of documents always dominate the firms. But the above challenges can easily be solved with AI machines.
Here are few functions highlighted by Forbes publication that AI could do for such firms:
“Review documents and legal research
AI-powered software improves the efficiency of document analysis for legal use and machines can review documents and flag them as relevant to a particular case.
Once a certain type of document is denoted as relevant, machine learning algorithms can get to work to find other documents that are similarly relevant.
Machines are much faster at sorting through documents than humans and can produce output and results that can be statistically validated.
They can help reduce the load on the human workforce by forwarding on only documents that are questionable rather than requiring humans to review all documents.
It’s important that legal research is done in a timely and comprehensive manner, even though it’s monotonous.
AI systems such as the one offered by ROSS Intelligence leverages natural language processing to help analyze documents.”
“Help perform due diligence
In law offices around the world, legal support professionals are kept busy conducting due diligence to uncover background information on behalf of their clients.
This works includes confirming facts and figures and thoroughly evaluating the decisions on prior cases to effectively provide counsel to their clients.
Artificial intelligence tools can help these legal support professionals to conduct their due diligence more efficiently and with more accuracy since this work is often tedious for humans.”
However, the above two works can be referred to as minor when referred to most crucial jobs AI can perform such as the making of documents and identification of falsified signatures and fake documents.
Scientists believe that anything human being can do will possibly be automated using the robotic technology through artificial intelligence.
According to world economic forum, before 2050 AI machines would take over 100 % human jobs in all sectors across the globe but the impact such could have remains the major area of debates among humans.