Using the machine for laundry work is a dream of many women at home especially those with kids since lots of dirty clothes need to be washed almost every day and that may be a very big task for them, especially the busy ones.
Besides women, many people including men prefer machine laundry to ease the stress of manual washing and also have their clothes neatly washed and quickly dried to save time which is the major feature found in washing machines.
The personal use of laundry machines had increased to over 50% in Africa and over 80% in some continents based on their selling records from most of the online selling stores, thereby making the production rate to become high and forcing manufacturers to seek innovations on how to improve the features continuously for users’ satisfaction.
The evidence of such can be seen in modern brands of washing machines.
There are two popular brands of washing machines in the market currently and they are:
- Washer and dryer combo
- Washer and spin dryer
Let us discuss the details of both types and their latest features;
The model is referred to as an all-in-one purpose washing machine, it is a combination of versatility and efficiency with a space-saving solution by having a 27-inch wide washer/ dryer combination which does limit its operational capacity. The machine model usually has an ultra-large 4.3 cubic foot tub.
The machine model is among the types of washing machines equipped with a true-balance anti-vibration system and has the ability to minimize noise and tub movement during their operations.
First of its kind to be equipped with turbo-wash technology which helps to save up to 20 minutes on larger loads. It also features an internal heating element with an NSF-certified sanitary cycle.
The centered benefit of this type of washing machine is that of its ability to come with huge cleaning and space-saving features with its small washer/dryer combo system.
The problem of spending hours on washing machines can be solved with this model based on their ability to contain and roll a good number of clothes in a single batch.
They are an ideal model for large family laundry, industrial laundry, hotels, etc. due to their fast action features and less space benefit.
Jeans, sweatshirts, and khaki materials can be washed without a trace of stain by the machine. They are the model of washing machines recommended for any individual or organization that has no area for spreading of clothes or venting space which can help to dry up the clothes because the drying unit of the machine can dry clothes up to 90% or above.
If space is valuable to anyone intending to use a washing machine then this model will be the best option but it has the disadvantage of being costlier than other types. They are also referred to as ventless condensing drying washing machines.
The machines come with never-rust stainless steel drums connected to a direct drive super electric motor which turns the drum at its horizontal position at the front center of the machine.
During the turning, all the washed clothes loaded into the drum will dry up because they turn with great speed or slow speed depending on the type of the clothes material with assistance from a heating element which generates heat usually around the walls of the drum makes the clothes to dry within a short time without exposure to air or sunlight.
According to a customer’s review using a combo washer and dryer machine at Amazon, Mr. David Cain here has to say about the combo type of washing machines:
“I’ve had one of these since mid-March 2015, purchased locally from a big-box store. The first thing to say: I love it. Absolutely _love_ it.
Second thing: It’s not for everyone. It’s _different_ from regular washing/drying, you have to learn how to use it (takes maybe a week’s worth of laundry to start figuring out how to get the best out of it), and your circumstances may be different from mine and you might not love it, depending.
The best parts:
Expect to shake the steam out of your dried clothes at the end of the cycle – takes no time at all: give a shirt a shake and hang it
For fabrics that can’t be dried, do a wash cycle without a dry, pull your un-dryable stuff out, then do a dry cycle (see below)
Try and get fabrics that are about the same heaviness for your load. You don’t have to be precise, but if you put one pair of jeans in with a load of sheets, the jeans will come out damp.
Use enough detergent, but not too much – doesn’t take a ton. Too much will make your clothes smell like the detergent (more than you’d like).
– Washes and dries my clothes while I sleep, tumble ’em ’til I get up to keep wrinkles out. Some think the “long” cycle times are a problem. For me, the “long” times aren’t considerably longer than a wash and a dry, and I don’t have to handle wet clothes in-between. I set a load at night, set the delay time to have the clothes ready when I get up and don’t think about it ’til morning. This isn’t the only way to do it, but if I need a particular set of clothes for the morning, and start late at night, I can get the machine to reliably handle the problem, have it go away ’til I’m ready for the clean clothes. Love this. Love it.
– No dryer lint-trap to have to empty every load. There’s a lint filter in the wastewater line you have to empty about monthly, or when the machine tells you to. You also have to wipe a little lint away from the door seal. No big deal.
– No dryer vent, no woodland creatures nesting in the dryer vent.
– Lighted drum – I can see what I’m doing in there!
– Uses less electricity than my old top-loader and traditional dryer, but provides better fabric care, MUCH less hassle, MUCH more convenience.
– Takes up the space of one unit, not two.
The cons:
– Biggest con: I worry a bit that the machine will break down sometime, and because it’s a rare-bird, there won’t be repair parts in inventory in the US depots. Most top-loading machines are using the manufacturer’s same 50-year-old design with different control electronics on top, and the parts supply-chain is well-established and well-stocked, besides coming from US manufacturers. I could go to Sears or the appliance parts store and walk out with a pump or motor for just about any US-made top-loader. Because this LG washer/dryer is a new thing, and there aren’t millions in the US market, there aren’t parts for millions of units in the supply chain, and you could run into problems if something broke down. So you might need to think about using a laundromat for a bit in that case. Didn’t stop me from buying it, though.
– Can’t get linen/cotton shirts to look good – they come out a bit wrinkled. This is the only fabric I’ve had trouble with – everything else looks great. If you’re doing tons of these, or are allergic to the clothes iron, this might not be the machine for you. But really, I’ve only got 3-4 shirts like this, and most of them had some permanent wrinkle in a stiffener before we got the machine. Wish they were easier, but really, I can get over it.
– Not obvious how to set a dry-only cycle, and the manual doesn’t help you figure this out. _IT DOES HAVE DRY-ONLY_ and it’s really easy: Turn the machine on, touch the “Dry” button. It’s different enough from setting a wash/dry cycle that you wouldn’t think to do this. But it works, it’s there, you can do dry-only. Might be counter-intuitive to get dry-only if you’ve got a wash-cycle selected. Might have to power the machine off, then on, then select Dry.
– You only have one machine. It’s plenty big (capacity-wise), but you can’t have two loads working, one in a washer and one in a dryer simultaneously. Not a big deal for me, but thought I’d state it. Myself, I’d rather not handle wet clothes between. Really, it’s a matter of your expectations, your flexibility, and your style of doing laundry chores.
– Initial new smell. It did smell a bit for the first week or two (one negative reviewer said it smelled like machine oil. That might be about right). That went away, and it’s fine now, didn’t ruin any clothes in the process.
– Wish the machine had a steam-only cycle. It doesn’t. It will do steam as part of wash cycles, but you don’t get to steam-and-tumble wrinkled dry clothes, for example. OK, throw a damp towel in with them or something.
– Wish the drum lights would stay on longer. They stay on for 4 minutes, and I’d like 8, or at least the ability to turn ’em back on without powering the whole machine off-then-on while I’m unloading clothes.
The wrap-up:
I love this thing. I’ll sometimes turn on the drum lights and watch it work for minutes at a time – it’s like watching a reality TV show, but with more intelligent content.
You’ll probably want the 14″ pedestal to raise the machine up for easier drum access. I do. This isn’t specific to this machine – most front-loaders could use one of these.
We put ours in a catch-tray – a plastic tray that’s designed to help keep any leaking malfunctions from ruining your floor. A proper catch tray has a drain line attached (ours doesn’t – lack planning ahead). We also were able to get a “flat” catch tray online, that slides under the machine before you raise the sides and close the corners. Hard to describe – but it works, and it fits the machine. Haven’t had a leaking malfunction, just being cautious.
Have I said I love it? Yeah. Really do. Great purchase and the difference in power usage will probably pay off the extra cost over just a few years. (that’s a guess, not a calculated figure. Looking forward to comparing year-over-year energy bills).
UPDATE May 2015 – Maybe the people who are saying “OMG 5 HOURS TO DRY CLOTHES!!!” are looking at the “5:50” that comes up when you initiate a dry-only cycle, then not checking to see how long the machine actually runs. Yes, I suppose it could take 5:50 to dry something, but actually, that’s the LONGEST it could take from the selected cycle. It’s an adaptive cycle that reduces time by sensing the humidity of the interior of the drum.
You might be done in an hour. The “5:50” isn’t a helpful guide to what will happen.
UPDATE 9/1/2015: Had our first problem, first warranty service a couple weeks ago. The drum lights on the machine went out. In all other respects, the machine worked normally. Took a couple days for the LG field guy to get to us. He arrived, took about 2 minutes to look at the machine, realized the problem, but didn’t have the parts to fix it. Said the parts are “in the US, but they haven’t been released yet”, whatever that means.
After a two week or so wait, the LG field guy got the parts, came out, installed in 20min. or so.
The new lights are much brighter and much whiter in color than the old ones, so I wonder if the first set was defective. I still am concerned that important parts might not be in stock when we need them; this repair provided a pain-free demonstration of that situation.
The LG field guy was prompt, polite and competent, so that’s a plus.
My wife has done more washing lately and says she can never get jeans right. My experience is different: don’t over-dry them, and remove and fold pretty quick and you’re good.
Still, love this machine. Works great for us.
============ An update a little past 12 months in:
After a little more than a year, the washer is still going great, and the love for it has not diminished here. Really great appliance.
Recently, I read that several installations suffer from a drain pipe that’s placed so high that the washer won’t drain its water. That does seem like a design flaw in the machine (particularly if other washing machines work just fine in the same space), and it seems like it’d cause problems with extremely poor drying that others are seeing. Myself, I’ve had no trouble with the draining, or drying, and the machine works just great.
My wife got me the 14″ tall pedestal for the machine (which I’d guess can only help with the draining problem others have had) for my birthday, and it’s really great to have the machine at a workable height. Don’t know how I made it work without it now. For a post-installation install of a pedestal, I recommend you get lifting straps (sold under many names; one that springs to mind is “forearm forklift”) and a strong friend to lift, and another friend to position the pedestal under the machine.
One thing the machine does poorly is handling envelopes. Boxes of them. I can’t recommend that you wash a full box of 60 new #10 business envelopes in the machine (including the box), along with whatever you’ve had the couch covered in, though we _have_ tried it, entirely by accident. Quite a mess.
I cleaned the machine’s tub out the best I could and paid special attention to all the nooks and crannies around the door gasket (lots of pulp in there), and I ran a tub-clean cycle, while I shook envelope bits and paper pulp off of the couch cover over the deck in back of the house.
Soon enough, the machine showed a “0E” error (which I supposed might mean: “0uch! Envelopes!”) and I checked the manual: the machine can’t drain water. I pulled the filter drain hose and tried to drain into a bucket, then pulled the filter, which turned into a little flood: recommend you have several buckets and a friend handy when handling this kind of problem. The filter was packed with grey paper pulp, which I cleaned out. I ran another empty cycle on tub clean (no 0E error this time), cleaned a few remnants of pulp from the filter, and found more in the drum and on the door gasket. I changed a load of laundry (grey to match the remaining pulp) and made it through fine.
A number of loads later, the machine is still going strong, and appears to have shaken off the envelope episode like a champ, and without a service call. Big props to it!
UPDATE 5/14/2016 – data on the humidity question.
I’ve been asked whether the machine makes the house more humid, and kind of fumbled for a response (generally, no, it doesn’t). Here’s a data point from an experiment: I borrowed a hygrometer (an Oasis musical instrument hygrometer, which helps musicians care for their wood instruments by measuring humidity and temperature and recording minimums and maximums – you can buy one on Amazon).
After about five minutes of settling time in our kitchen (a good proxy for the rest of the house), no laundry run that day, and the humidity read 53%. I moved the unit into the laundry room/pantry (about 9.5′ x 11′, door open, also a freezer in the room) and let it settle there for a few minutes while I loaded the washer. Again, baseline at 53%. I set a four-hour delay and ran the laundry (mid-size load of jeans) overnight. In the morning, the recorded max on the hygrometer was 57% humidity. By the time I came to look at it, the room had returned to 53%.
I remain convinced that people who are having disastrous humidity or wet clothes problems are suffering from the reported installation issue where the drain pipe is too tall for the machine to effectively drain water. Yes, I think that’s a design flaw in the machine, but one that can be worked around at installation time, if the installer knows about it.
Only one data point, but some data is better than none. Hope this helps!
UPDATE: Over 2 years in, still love the machine.
We were out of town for a few days, and the display said “CL” and the machine wouldn’t take any input at all. I was very worried. This symptom didn’t show up in the manual. I looked it up online.
“Child Lock”. The door was locked and it’s not supposed to take any input in this state. Easy enough for a grown-up to turn off. What I imagine happened is that there was a power-cut while we were gone, and Child Lock comes on as some kind of safety feature or something.”
After going through the above review one can actually understand and make a proper judgment on whether to buy the model of the machining machine or not. Below is a sample of this type of washing machine and its price and special features:

- Continuous wash & dry cycle. Now with adjustable drying level & time Saver mode
- 10 wash cycles with additional rinse & spin cycles. 15 lb. (6.8 Kg) wash capacity
- Uses 20% less water than competitors
- Power supply: 120V/60Hz
- Water Drains to sink, shower, or Gray water tank
- $935.58
This is the most common model usually for personal use and small families. They come with a spin dryer which makes them different from the combo type. The spin dryer dries clothes loaded into it spinning at a great speed to force all the water-soaked by the machine out through small holes created at the base of the spinner.
The drops of water forced out will pass through a hose by the side of the machine to come outside. The operation can be repeated until no water is coming out again and then extra minutes may be given to dry the clothes in the spinner after the water removal.
The design aspect of the spinner is in a plastic narrow drum positioned vertically with a powerful and high-speed electric motor having a direct drive connection with the spin drum.
The circular rotation of the spin drum in a vertical position will create a pressure difference based on centrifugal forces the water content in the clothes loaded into the spinner will begin to come out and flow out of the spinner through the machine hose.
They are referred to as two-in-one washing machines. One side of the machine mostly on the left-hand side does the washing work and the other right-hand side does the spinning work. They had been characterized to have more water-efficient, energy-saving, and smooth-running operations. The machine can still operate with a 120-volt power supply.
They are more compact and portable than other types but may not dry up clothes up to 100% by just spinning them, so the user will need a small space to spray or hang the spinner clothes for some minutes to completely dry up.
According to Mr. Mike C., an Amazon customer who bought a brand of the machine type on 3rd February 2017. Here is his own review of his experience with the machine so far:
“Did my first load of wash, a small one, just a few pairs of socks, tee-shirt, 2 small kitchen hand towels. Had to add water by hand, the hose provided to fill the washer is laughable…too short to be of any use and not secure to any pressure from the tap. Not bad at all. Washed and then refilled to rinse. Wrung out water by hand before putting in spin basket. Only 1 minute on spin & surprised how relatively dry clothes were. Hung on a rack and after 3 hours, nearly dry. I`m single and I think this will work out just fine for me. Figure one small load daily and no more trips to the laundromat. Fits on my kitchen counter next to sink; when done, I store it on a small table and so far, so good. Just need to figure out hose hookup. P.S. after using it for about a week, no longer concerned about water hose hookup. I use an empty gallon jug to fill the washer, this does not tie up my sink. Can use the sink while the wash is running. Secured machine to counter with eye hooks & 36 ” bungee, can leave the machine unattended now.
Very satisfied. Mike C.”
The spin dryer model had been found to cost lower than other types. Below is a sample of the modern spin dryer washing machines and the current price.

- COMPACT WASHING MACHINE: The Pyle washing machine portable and spin cycle dryer is constructed of durable materials it will do the job as a small washing machine for apartments
- PORTABLE WASHER AND DRYER: This unique portable laundry machine will just fit wherever you want to put it with no hassle of getting a plumber to connect it for you
- CLEAN YOUR CLOTHING EVEN ON THE GO: The Pyle mini washing machine will take away the hassle to find a laundry mat washing machine is always a hassle but not when you can get one delivered with 2-day prime shipping and easy to install:
- TWIN TUB WASHING MACHINE: The 2 Tub Wash Machine will make your life easier when you hang up your clothing to dry. No more wet clothing dripping all over.
- PREMIUM CONSTRUCTION QUALITY! – We, at Pyle, make a point of using just the best quality top-rated washing machine materials and up-to-date construction processes for our Cloths Washing Machine so that we can be sure they will rise up to your highest standards! with a 30 day money back warranty
- $138.72
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