The rug had been a modern means of creating a good decoration in houses because of the fancy looks it creates, especially when the rug has good surface designs like the types with flower designs.
It was not quite long when ties and other flooring materials started competing with rugs and carpets in floor decoration. However, each of these materials has its own limitations and purpose.
Before the invention of the rug, carpets had been used for the floor but due to the coldness, it creates some people started seeking an alternative just before the coming of rugs.
As a result of the eagerness for alternative rugs were welcomed with high demand because they made the floors appear warm and dried always.
Besides that advantage, it gives the floor a good look due to the colors and designs they were made with.
Currently, rugs have proven to be indispensable despite the introduction of ties and interlocking stones. The reason for this came as a result of numerous advantages of rugs over the existing flooring materials.

There are several disadvantages in the use of rug when not properly applied, such including; the accumulation of dirt, change of color, fading of designs, tearing and wearing of parts, etc. these problems could be caused as a result of either chemical attack, exposure to sand, or rough use of the rug surface, etc.
Rugs also have the disadvantage of creating breathing problems for kids which may result in other serious illnesses, this is usually possible when kids are using the surface of the rug regularly as a playground.
A report has shown that when rugs were left for a long time without dusting the accumulated particles increase the volume of dust particles within the space the rugs were spread thereby giving easy means of creating breathing problems.
This situation is usually worst if the space has no air conditioner, fan, or expeller which will help in controlling the presence of particles.
Despite the tiling of most floors in modern buildings the occupant does find it convenient to place rugs on the tiles, not that the tiles did not make the floor nice or gave good luck, but for the reason of avoiding the coldness that does come from floors with only tiles.
Such coldness could be detrimental in a building with children since they will be making use of the floor as a playground, so exposing them regularly to the cold floor may result in health problems.
Notwithstanding, some people still prefer not to use rugs on tile surfaces especially when the atmospheric temperature of the area is usually above 270C.
If your floor would be exposed to liquid like water or chemicals then you don’t need to place a rug on such a surface.
The reason for that is because a drop of water on the surface of the rug will create a repulsive smell after 24hours, even though the water might have been cleaned with cloth or mob.
The worst may happen if the liquid that dropped is a juice or drink, the smell may be intense. If it happens to be a chemical it could change the surface of the rug or even wear its parts.
So if the floor will be a busy area for any activity like drinking, dancing, or industrial activities then it may not be necessary to drop your expensive rug on the surface of such floor.