This post will be discussing how the most simple, reliable, and safety engineering featured tree climbing machine was designed and manufactured exclusively for the climbing of straight tall trees.
If you are considering a solution in tree climbing this post has the answer for you. Recently, a coconut farmer unveiled a newly acquired machine designed and manufactured for the purpose of climbing tall tree which coconut trees are essentially one of them.
In a detailed photographs and video shared to team, the manufacturers from Asia provided some of the vital designs and features incorporated into the machine to ensure its safety and reliability for the end users.
Though it is essentially made for smooth tall trees, this machine can become an options for individuals who love to climb trees especially the straight trees.
It I a concept exclusively made for farmers who seen to be having problems in harvesting the fruits of straight tall tress such as coconut trees, palm trees, Pawpaw trees, and many others.
It also serves as a support to those who find it difficult to stay at height. It iis designed in such away that even those with phobia for height can use it to overcome their fears.

Features of the Tree Climbing Machine
These are the design features of the tree climbing machine:
This machine has two rollers serving as tire for conveying of the machine to the needed site.
It has handle at the engine section for drawing of the machine when moving it to the site.
It has power bike handles at its front where operator can hold while operating the machine.
At the other flexible end of the handle there are two hard/Tubeless threaded teeth tires that creates friction between the wall of the tree and the machine through its rolling actions.
The threaded teeth tire rollers are linked to the engine of the machine via shaft and gearing arrangements.
It has a small IC two-stroke petrol engine mounted at the back which powers the machine operations.

The shaft of the engine is linked to the front section of the machine which is used to power the front rollers of the machine.
To operate the machine, the user will clip the rolling components of the upper and lower parts to the wall of the tree.

As the IC engine shaft rotates, the power is transferred to the rollers which creates friction on the wall of the tree thereby pushing the entire components and the operator upwards. Reversing the gear will change the direction of rotation which will result in downward movement of the machine and the operator.
The image below shows the operating button for the upwards and downwards movements of the machine.

The safety features are sets of steel chains that connects the flexible foot part to the static upper part which carries the IC engine. The steel chains are available in both sides. One steel chain and two belts connects the operator to the lower and upper parts of the machine. This is to ensure that any eventuality such as mechanical failure, the operator will not fall off from the machine rather will slowly slide down alongside with the machine through the action of the rolling threaded teeth tires.