Facts About The Popular Engineering Concepts That May Not Be Possible in Production
Engineering concepts have become a modern way of predicting possible future technologies. It acts as a means of suggestion to the engineers. Some of the engineering concepts emanated from advanced science video games, science and fiction movies, and drawings. From such illustration, the enthusiasts develop their own perspective design which in some cases becomes a crucial idea to engineers in designing future machines.
Developing a concept can be very challenging because it involves lots of software skills to achieve it but the benefits it can offer surpass the labor. It is one of the simple ways of suggesting an engineering design to the world which could possibly be adopted by manufacturers and given a trial. Concepts have been the starting point of most new designs and machines introduced into the market.
Despite the enormous labor and advantages offered by engineering concepts, the disadvantages should not be overlooked. For instance, there are engineering concepts that may appear possible during the software simulation and testing but may not be practically possible in actual design and manufacturing. There are many factors that could make such possible. For example; materials available for actual production may induce weight that could hinder other functionalities.
In this post, we will be discussing the popular engineering concepts released so far that may not be practically possible to produce and even the actual production should take place, then, the design has to be altered which could make it appear different from the software concept. Below are some of the concepts and the reason they may not be possible for actual production;

Flying commercial buses is one of the famous engineering concepts that may not be practically fissile in actual production. There are many reasons for this limitation, some are:
Overweight of the commercial buses and their expected loading capacity such that even if the lifting blade will be powered by a powerful turbine engine the possibility of effective operation is very slim.
The quality of blade needed for the thrust force in the air to withstand such lifting power. Considering the weight of the commercial bus with the passenger inside and the powerful turbine engine mounted for its lifting and propelling operation, the design will equally need a very high-quality blade for the engine which has the ability to withstand powerful air resistance and thrust in the cause of lifting the commercial bus and propelling it to another location such quality of blade may not actually be obtainable at the moment.
For the flying commercial bus to actually be close to possibility in actual production, then, the design has to be altered, for instance, the single blade positioned at the center has to be changed to multiple blade positions diagonally. If the lifting blades are five in number, one at the center and one at each end edge of the commercial bus, then the lifting and propelling task can be shared among the five blades being powered by turbine engines. This change in the design could be the easiest way to make a commercial bus fly in the air.

A few years back, a top science enthusiast released an engineering concept where he predicted the possibility of having a car with stretching wheels that could be used to bypass traffic jams on the roads. The concept went viral and was actually applauded. However, the idea has not really been implemented in any of the modern vehicles not because it is of no use to have a car that can bypass traffic holdups but because the possibility of such a concept in actual manufacturing is not fissile.
Why it may not be easy to produce such an engineering concept in actual design are; that the stretched wheels need power transmitted to them to push the car forward. From the design, if the wheels lift the car upwards with the gearing box along with it, the power transmission to the wheels is cut off which will practically stop the car from moving forward. So in the actual product, such a design will not work as shown on the software version.

JET engine-powered car concepts have been emanating from different science enthusiasts with each concept having its own design. They all show how the jet engine can be used to power cars. In some concepts, the jet engine was used to even fly the car in the air. The possibility of having such concepts in the actual production is very high but the problem is the possibility of working safely and the dangers it poses to the environment.

In other words, jet engines can be used on cars but why the engineers have not thought it necessary is the risk it poses to society. Jet engine-powered cars have the risk of overspeeding, blowing of wind/dust in the environment, possible loss of control, increased risk of road accidents, and above all, the possibility of becoming a source of fire ignition to the environment.

Detachable aircraft whose concept was released a few years back is yet to come into actual production. The concept is showing how commercial aircraft can be designed to enhance the safety of passengers in the case of engine failure in the air the passenger unit could be detached from the pilot’s unit anchored with the jet engines in the aircraft. while several parachutes could be used to lower the passenger unit to the ground. However, this concept is yet to see the light of the day in modern aircraft designs for some reasons. The reasons are based on the following impossibilities;
The concept is good but may not be possible in actual production for commercial aircraft due to the excessive weight of the aircraft.
During the production of aircraft, the skeletal structures are linked together properly to avoid impacts from the air resistance. The inclusion of separating units in the design may be very dangerous for the operation of the aircraft as it may be detached due to the air force from air resistance.
It will still take some time to figure out an easy way such concept can be implemented in actual production without putting the life of aircraft passengers at risk.
The above top four popular engineering concepts are not the only ones with impossibilities in actual production. We will be discussing other ones in our subsequent posts.