Features of NASA Supersonic Speed Technology

NASA, the spaces research body has embarked on the introduction of supersonic technology. The new technology will focus on the introduction of extreme speed aircraft whose speed would possibly exceed or equal the speed of sound.
The combination of low sound flight and extreme speed is said to be the center points of the said technology. NASA believes that a new approach to special airplanes powered by super rocket engines would help the organization see a new invention for the predicted technology.
According to the X-Series design of the NASA’ AIRPLANES, the new technology would possibly find its use in the newly designed X-59 series of their airplane to feature low-boom flight and high-speed combination.
The designed X-plane will have special features, unlike other existing airplanes which would be visible in its appearance to beat the speed of others with incredibly low noise.
Though the size and engine features were not mentioned from the information source, the graphic photo of the said designed airplane which is shown above shows that the technology will center on the stability of the airplane during flight and its ability to maneuver itself during any flight.
Though the entire X-series of the airplane were made with the above features, NASA intends to improve the recent technology through the introduction of the supersonic technology with the aim bringing the space research into another era where the space exploration would become easier for the astronauts.
“NASA’s newest experimental aircraft, designed with quiet supersonic technology and intended to help open a new era in faster-than-sound air travel over land, will forever be known in the history books as the X-59 QueSST.” From NASA officials.
The naming of the newly designed airplane was made known to NASA by the U.S. Air Force which is the government body responsible for the assigning of the X-number series designation and popular name associated with any aircraft.
“For everyone working on this important project, this is great news and we’re thrilled with the designation,” said Jaiwon Shin, NASA’s associate administrator for aeronautics.
According to Shin, the X-59 QueSST will make them proud and the plane will have its place as among the greatest NASA X-planes ever flown.
Meanwhile, by history; the X-plane number designation was initiated from 1947 when the first X-1 rocket-powered plane was named and was flown by Chuck Yeager who became the first human to fly faster than the speed of a sound plane. Since the naming, the tradition had continued for all the rocket-powered aircraft to the latest model known as the X-59.
The first X-series aircraft which bears the name X-1 was nicknamed “Glamorous Glennis” which is the name of Yeager’s wife (the man who first flew the plane).
Meanwhile, the name of the latest X-series which is X-59 has been nicknamed “QueSST” which means Quiet Supersonic Technology which is the technology that will differentiate the aircraft from others of the same series.
It is a special plane designed in such a way that when it flies over a place the people on the ground will hear no sound more than a sonic thump if they will hear anything at all.
When the plane has been completed, tested, and proven safe for the national Airspace which is believed to happen before the year 2020, the plane would be used to make a flight over selected communities to measure residents’ reactions to the X-59 aircraft’s ability to fly at low or no noise.
The NASA officials believe that the data obtained from the airplane performance in the communities it will be tested, will be sent to the U.S. and international regulations to help them come up with rules that will try to control the noise of the whole aircraft that fly over land, the idea is believed to force the aircraft manufacturers to adopt the supersonic technology for the future aircrafts on the earth.
The construction of the said plane is ongoing by the Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Technology Company at the famed stunk works plant in Palmdale, Calif.
Sourced from publication made by, Jim Banke, to the NASA’s official webpage.