Facts About The Future Drones In Development
The guest to have special future Drones in Development is necessary because Drones have become part of modern life having find great applications in event coverage, aerial surveillance, supply and delivery, as well as human transportations. Drone seems to be the next option available for human transportation in the quest to decongest the busy roads and reduce excessive carbon monoxide emission affecting the globe.
For the starting, some of the new concepts are currently used as fun exhibition while the inventors focus on how to improve the overall reliability of the future aerial transportations. Meanwhile, the list this top rated wonderful future drones is giving hope for something great in the future. These future technologies focus on the ability to fly drones that are not only looking awesome but also highly reliable to transport you to any location of your choice.
The List of Top 9 Future Drones In Development
1. Bladeless Drone Concept
This is a modern NAVY concept for special rescue operation drone with bladeless propelling force. The drone will be powered from its passenger unit using the engine mounted just on the top of it. The four circular wings will eneable the drone for lifting and positioning. The concept is still under development.

A Design Concept for a Bladeless Transport Drone in a variety of Navy and Rescue versions.
2. TOYOTA Cross Cruiser / YAMAHA Hover Board
One of the rare concepts you would see anywhere else. This drone is a concept of Toyota and Yamaha future drone. With only two blades positioned at the either sides, and a butterfly wings spread out, the drone can carry out vertical take-off using the propulsion from the left and right blades. The positioning and navigation will be assisted by the two-side butterfly blades. When completed, this drone is assumed to be one of the awesome and stable drones for personal transportation and for camera drones in small sizes.

 TOYOTA Cross Cruiser / YAMAHA Hover Board
This is a unique three blades passenger drone named IKABOT. It is a project unveiled by the BOTCATALOG. The blades are embedded in the triangular ends of the drone body. A small jet engine positioned at the center to propel the drone forward. While the blade helps for vertical take-off, the jet propels the drone to the desired position. Two navigational beneath the drone also assist in positioning of the drone while in the air.

4. Honda Hovercar – Yanko Design
This is one of the top Honda’s future concept Cars/Flying drones. The passenger drone combines the features of car, hovercraft, and a drone. It can move like a car on the road, it can hover on snows and on water, and it can as well fly in the air as a drone. It has three blades incorporated into the body at vertical position for vertical take-off. It can up to three persons with the operator at the front while two persons seat at the back.

 Honda Hovercar – Yanko Design
5. Jet Capsule’s futuristic two-seater drone
This is a unique futuristic drone with the capacity of two persons. It is a vertical take-off drone that flies like a saucer in the air. By design, it is simply surrounded with eight blade incorporated into the surrounding body. The eight blades are responsible for the vertical take-off and aerial navigation/positioning of the drone. The Jet Capsule’s future drone has been predicted to be the best option for city shuttles and daily working transportation.

6. UFOs Flying Saucers Drone
In something that appeared to be a science fiction, the unknown foreign object (UFO) usually assumed to be the alien’s flying saucer is now going to come into actual human life. The concept is gradually gaining public attention and would likely become a means of transportation in the future. With varieties of designs coming up, the flying saucer drone may actually come out with varieties of designs.

7. Electric Backpack Helicopter
This is a possible personal transportation means for the future. The concept of having simple vertical take-off drone is being actualized here. The two-sided left and right blades exert propulsion to lift the user up and transport the user through the air.

8. Stormtrooper
This is an aerial powerbike drone. The design and concept were made to provide the user with the powerbike riding experience in the air. Equipped with four blades at its four axis, the drone has open seating place and components designed like the conventional road powerbike. StormTrooper has been tested and still under improvement stage. It is said to be one of favorite f those who prefer to open air flight experience.

Jetpack flight experience is another new flight experience that is still under experimental stage. It is a set of jet-propelled units hanged on the back and hands together. Once powered, it lifts the user into the air and using its power for propulsion and navigation through the change of hand positioning of the jets fixed on the hands.