Major Difference Between Block-Walled And Concrete-Walled Toilet Suck-Away Pit

The block walled sucker pit is the type commonly used in most places in Nigeria that have its soil free from environmental attacks the percentage of building using this type of sucker pit is about 80%. The reason is not limited to its low cost of building but also the easy and quick method which is involved in building it.
If this type of sucker pit is to be made strong solid blocks will be used in the wall lining while the floor and its top cover will be filled with concrete, block walled suck pit can either be reinforced or unreinforced sucker pit.
The reinforced sucker pit is the type that can withstand heavy loads and vibration when they are exposed to it. For example, if a small vehicle pack on top of it would not collapse, note that its strength cannot be compared to that of a concrete-walled sucker pit.
The reinforced sucker pit use to have iron or steel rods banded together in the form of a rectangular shape to create a rectangular pillar within the four corners of the sucker pit.
Sometimes the pillar can be up to six or more depending on the strength required and the rods are joined together with the surface rods for the top cover or top floor.
And the top cover will be filled with concrete having strong iron or steel rods inside to support the loads or vibrations that may land on it.
The unreinforced type has only blocks at its walls while the top will be made with concrete having little and soft rods to hold the concrete cover while it covers the whole sucker pit. The floor has no rods except ordinary concrete to avoid water leakage and sinking of the sucker pit.

The concrete-walled sucker pits are sucker pits that are made by using a complete mixture of cement and stones with little quantity of sand to form the floor and using wooden boards to form the walls of the sucker pit according to the wall of the pit already created by digging operation. The concrete in the liquid state will be poured into the spaces created by the wooden board.
The concrete will be allowed to solidify for about 24hours depending on the viscosity of the concrete poured, if the thickness viscosity is watery then it could stay up to 24 hours for the concrete to become a complete solid.
But in the case where the concrete was a little bit strong or contains little water in its content then it will require a shorter period to solidify.
However, the disadvantage of it is that you will require a poker to poke this type of concrete in order not to create holes in the sucker pit walls after solidification, not that poking is like a kind of vibrator to vibrate the concrete.
The advantage of this type of sucker pit is the inability of water or anything within the soil where the sucker pit was dogged to attack or affect the life span of the sucker pit.
Hence this type of sucker away or sucker pit is used where the soil is exposed to floods and erosions or other environmental problems because of this problem most water line areas in Nigerian cities use this type of sucker pit.
Another advantage of this sucker pit is its ability to withstand any weight that would climb on it an example is a vehicle, human, vibrations, etc. its strength cannot be compared to the block walled types.
But the major disadvantage is its initial cost for the building of it, as many types of cement rods, and stones, are required and these items are more costly than ordinary sand which is required in a little quantity in the concrete.
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