If you are aspiring to study any engineering program in the United Kingdom, this post can be very useful to you. We took some time to make a list of top-rated engineering schools in the UK. These schools are known to offer vast number of engineering programs with wide range certifications. You will equally enjoy the benefits of studying in one of the globally ranked universities according to USNEWS website..
Engineering in UK is a very lucrative and respected profession. The graduates always find it easy to see something doing afterwards. We, the EngineeringAll team see it as a necessity to educate our audience who may be aspiring or planning to study engineering in UK.
There are many platforms ranking universities and other tertiary institutions and based on such rankings these UK universities seem to find the light of the day in all the rankings.

- Imperial College London, United Kingdom, London (U.K.)
- University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, Cambridge (U.K.)
- University of Oxford, United Kingdom, Oxford
- University of Manchester, United Kingdom, Manchester
- University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, Nottingham
- University College London, United Kingdom, London (U.K.)
- Brunel University, United Kingdom, Uxbridge
- University of Southampton, United Kingdom, Southampton
- University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, Glasgow
- University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, Sheffield
- University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, Liverpool
- University of Leeds, United Kingdom, Leeds
- Cranfield University, United Kingdom, Cranfield
- Newcastle University, United Kingdom, Newcastle
- University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, Edinburgh
- University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, Birmingham (U.K.)
- Cardiff University, United Kingdom, Cardiff
- King’s College London, United Kingdom, London (U.K.)
- University of Bristol, United Kingdom, Bristol
- University of Warwick, United Kingdom, Coventry
- Lancaster University, United Kingdom, Lancaster
- Loughborough University, United Kingdom, Loughborough
- Heriot Watt University, United Kingdom, Edinburgh
- Northumbria University, United Kingdom, Newcastle upon
- Queen Mary, University of London, United Kingdom, London (U.K.)
- University of Surrey, United Kingdom, Surrey
- Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom, Belfast
- University of East Anglia, United Kingdom, Norwich
- University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, Glasgow
- University of Bath, United Kingdom, Bath
- University of Plymouth, United Kingdom, Plymouth
- University of Exeter, United Kingdom, Exeter
- Swansea University, United Kingdom, Swansea
- Aston University, United Kingdom, Birmingham (U.K.)
- University of Kent, United Kingdom, Canterbury
- University of Sussex, United Kingdom, Brighton
- University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, Aberdeen
- Liverpool John Moores University, United Kingdom, Liverpool
- University of Ulster, United Kingdom, Coleraine
- De Montfort University, United Kingdom, Leicester
- University of Reading, United Kingdom, Reading
- Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom, Manchester
- Coventry University, United Kingdom, Coventry
- University of York, United Kingdom, York
- University of Hull, United Kingdom, Hull
- University of West England, United Kingdom, Bristol
- Durham University, United Kingdom, Durham (U.K.)
- University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom, Huddersfield
- City University London, United Kingdom, London (U.K.)
- University of Salford, United Kingdom, Salford
- University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom, Portsmouth
- University of Bradford, United Kingdom, Bradford
We were not able to provide the website link of these universities on this page due to some reasons but we may add the links in future updates. However, you can copy the name of any of the school and paste it in the Google search engine to see the website address.
Visiting the website will help you gain more information regarding the areas of engineering disciple the school offers and see if it matches yours. You can as well use the ‘contact us’ page of the website to send the school email.
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