When a Robot Mimics An Animal, It shows how far we have gone…

From fun to sensitive aspects of human utilization, Robots are now springing up to take on different aspects of human functions ranging from domestic chores to health sectors, industries, and commerce, etc.
What do you think of future robots? Can the Hanson Robotics, Boston Dynamic Robotics, and so many other Robot manufacturing firms succeed in their quest to fill the entire sectors of human activities with robots? If the answer is YES, Can we discuss further to know the benefits and the fears associated with such progress? Yes, We will love to hear your feedback on that topic.
In the meantime, What do you think of this trending online robot that clearly mimics a domestic Dog behavior? A robot of this model was published earlier during its production stage and the firm revealed how lesser sensors and special detecting devices were used to improve its sensitivity. Yes, the Robot has finally turned out to be more than what the inventor anticipated.
It is not just sensitive as normal domestic animals, it can carry out very sensitive assignments that no Domestic animal could. The robot of this model was once seen with one of the famous CEO on the online bay. During one of the CES two years ago. A proud product of the Boston Dynamic Robot Industry.

Now that we have it already set for human utilization, Drop more suggestions on other areas of applications that this robot can be used besides Home security, Surveillance jobs, Spying jobs, small products or parcel delivery, etc.
Watch simple Video clip that demonstrates this Robot Behavior as shared by one of the fans of robot technology and its developments:
What goes on in the robot factory? How much of it is this? Id love this job pic.twitter.com/FAXf47T4TU
— Liz Harvey (@_lizharvey) June 23, 2020