Stainless Steel Pipe Laser Cutting Machine

A lot had been said about laser technology in the past few days, today I want to make a few emphases on this new and latest technology that was basically built using laser technology.
An automatic steel pipe laser cutting machine is not the first machine using laser technology for its function but when it comes to features the machine can be referred to as one of the newly developed to use the laser system in its operation.
According to the data released recently from the manufacturers, the machine is expected to displace some of the key industrial machines performing similar functions that it does.
The cutting machine, however, appears to be a bit different from the usual industrial laser cutter because it was specifically built to cut stainless steel pipes.
This simply means that its function is specific and therefore the application will be mostly for the clients who are mostly dealing with stainless steel pipes.
If all the below features written about the laser cutting machine are true, it then means that the machine is ideal equipment for any industrialist.
Features Of This Stainless Steel Pipe Laser Cutting Machine
Below are some key features of the machine:
- It has an in-built water-cooling system.
- It uses a continuous wave laser application.
- It also has a fiber laser system in it.
- Built with CNC (computer numerical control) system.
- Besides the cutting of stainless steel pipes, it has the ability to cut glass, Plexiglas, crystal, and Acrylics materials.
- It has the potential of cutting a material to the depth of 10mm thickness.
- A cutting speed of 80,000 mm per minute is such a great speed.
- Its power consumption has been rated at 28kw and among other crucial features which actually will make the machine a sort of product in the next few years I the markets of industrial machines.
From the available predictions in science, it is believed that the application of laser technology into the new artificial intelligence systems can help in the development of highly sensible robots that can carry out incredible functions which is the reason many wonderful robots are coming up.
A good example is a commentary made by the Darpa research institute on the cheetah robot made by their researchers.
It was found that the robot uses a laser light sensor to detect approaching objects and was able to respond quickly in making way for its movement by jumping over the objects and making turns or change of its direction of movement when the height of the object exceeds its jumping limit.
Such are the types of robots the future is waiting for.
Robots walking on the streets can detect a human that is approaching, greet and make way for the human to pass on the same road as the robot.
The question is not whether it is possible? Rather it should be when it will be available commercially?
So laser cutting machines such as the stainless steel pipe cutter may have special robotic features built inside them in the future to enhance their functions and also help industrial production activities.
If robots will be fully incorporated into every industrial production line, the robots will still have the basic industrial machines such as the laser machines as part of their units which carries out major function or functions expected in the production line or may actually be made to become operators of the existing machines.