Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria
When it comes to the calculations of the highest salary-paying companies in Nigeria a lot need to be put into consideration. From the number f staff employed to the ratio among the staff receiving high salary against the ratio receiving low salary. The cumulative average of the two figures defines the companies paying high salary.
Another consideration is the total capital expenditure per annum for salaries alone. This calculation will cut across the number of labor force in the company not based of individual monthly-earning.
Another consideration is the companies’ hierarchy and organograms, the promotion statistics and payment variations according to positions in the organograms.
Another consideration is the total annual allowances allocated to individual employees excluding the basic salary.
Another calculations is the employer’s chances of receiving external income in the form of gift or appreciation besides companies’ income.
Based on many calculations carried out, the following companies based in Nigeria can be said to be the highest-salary paying companies in Nigeria:

So far the Highest Salary Paying Companies In Nigeria, these are companies in Nigeria that specialized in the exploitation of crude oil and its production. They are into making of petroleum products such as lubricants. They also involve in the marketing of petroleum products. Her are the list of the high paying ones among them.
Shell Nigeria is a British company that specializes in various services surrounding oil and gas. Shell is one of the oldest oil companies in Nigeria and has employed hundreds of thousands of Nigeria with the head office located in Port Harcourt, Rivers state. The company currently records the highest paying in terms of salaries and benefits to the confirmed staff of the company.
However, there is a huge gap in earning between the company staff and the contract staff working I the same location.
NAOC (Nigerian Agip Oil Company)
NAOC is a well-known oil and gas company in Nigeria operating in offshore and onshore oil and gas exploitation and production. The company is an Italian owned oil and gas and related services company that has employ hundreds of Nigerians either as staff or contract staff. The head office is located in Port Harcourt, Rivers state.
Agip Oil Company pays high-salary to both staff and contract staff. The salary gap between the two categories of staff is not too outrageous.
Total is a France-based oil and gas company that gas employed hundreds of Nigerians across various certificate levels with the Nigerian head office located in Lagos. The firm has good reputation of good salary and other benefits to their staff as well as contract staff.
Chevron is an American-based oil and gas company with Nigerian headquarter Lagos. The company has good record of paying the confirmed staff. The contract staffs seem to have huge overall earning gap with the confirmed staff. They are rated as one of the top-salary-paying companies in Nigeria.
Exxon Mobil is a well-known international oil ad gas firm based in the United States. The company is into various operations surrounding oil and gas from exploitation to production, and marketing and services. The Company with Nigerian headquarter in Ekot-Ekpene in Akwaibom state has been a forerunner in employing hundreds of Nigerians in their various certificate levels. Both the confirmed staff and contract staff receive good salary. In other words, the salary gap between the confirmed staffs and contract staffs is not too wide.
The Nigerian liquefied natural gas is a British-based oil and gas company that specialized in the exploitation, processing, and marketing of natural gas. With numerous international outlets, the company has employed thousands of Nigerians and take them for international training on their respective job skills. They equally pay good salary and allowances to their staffs both confirmed staffs and contract staffs.
The Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) is the official national oil and gas company responsible for the management of the various government-owned oil and gas facilities with the head office located in Garki-Abuja, FCT.
NNPC has employed thousands of Nigerians in varying certificate levels. The corporation is currently the highest indigenous oil and gas firm with highest salary scale for the confirmed staffs and contract staffs.
Nigerian Gas Company (NGC) is a subsidiary of NNPC but has its own separate management team. The government-owned company has good record of staff welfare packages to all staffs and good salary to the confirmed staff only. Those at the managerial position seem to receive higher according to the organogram.
Schlumberger is a foreign-owned oil and gas facilities servicing company with the Nigerian head offices in Port Harcourt and Lagos state. They have hundreds of Nigerians as confirmed staff and contract staff. They pay relatively-high salary to their staff. The salary gap between the both staffs categories is not wide.
Halliburton is another foreign-owned oil and gas facilities servicing company with Nigerian head office in Port Harcourt. They currently have hundreds of Nigerian employees earning relatively-good salary. Majority of the staff are not confirmed staff. So the salary gap may not be easy to notice.
This is one of the upstream oil and Gas Company known for good staff welfare package. The company has over 532 staff and spends average annual salary of N19.29million for staff alone. According to more information unveiled by nairametrics, some Seplat energy staff receive as high as N16million annual salary.

The maritime industries are those dealing with shipping businesses. They engage in international transportation of goods and other related services. These industries have good record of staff welfare and rated as part of the Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria. The few known ones paying their staff well are;
Maersk Nigeria Limited
Maersk is an internationally-recognized shipping company with their Nigerian branch office located in Kazuma Plaza 2-4 Ede Street Apapa, Lagos, Nigeria. The company has good reputation in staff welfare and annual income.
Mediterranean Shipping Company Nigeria (MSC)
This is a well-known international shipping company based in Geneva Switzerland and branches spread across many countries. The Nigerian head office is located at 41, Creek Road, P.O. Box 4499, Apapa, Lagos. The company has good number of Nigerian staff and offers good staff welfare to workers at all level.
Beta Shipping Limited
This is a Switzerland based international shipping company with Nigerian head office located at New 25B Marine Road, Apapa, Lagos. The company specializes in ships repairs, ship building, maritime investments, ship management, and lots more. They have good record of staff welfare for their Nigerian staffs.

The Nigerian telecommunication industries have grown into giant and massive revenue sources due to daily Nigerians consumption of data and airtime these have helped the companies to stand firm despite existing challenges such as power to run telecommunication transmitters hanged on towers, etc. It is also one of the Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria.
Below are list of telecommunication with good staff welfare:
MTN Nigeria is the leading telecommunication company currently and has numerous Nigerian staff measuring in thousands. The confirmed staffs at the managerial positions receive millions per annual income and other staff welfare packages. However, there seems to be huge annual income between the confirmed staffs and the contract staffs.
Airtel Nigeria is an Indian-owned company and another popular telecommunication in Nigeria with numerous Nigerian staffs. Airtel salary—scale and method is not far from those of the MTN Nigeria. The confirmed staffs receive far monetary benefits than the unconfirmed staffs.
Global Communication Nigeria is an indigenous telecommunication company that has expanded beyond the shores of Nigeria. The company has numerous Nigerian workers receiving good salary at the management level. There are other benefits given to the whole staff but the gap between contract staff and confirmed staffs can be noticed.
These are government related jobs rated as part of the Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria based on the numerous benefits accompanying the job as well as the risks involve.

Though not officially recognized as employment and genuine income, the political public office holders in Nigeria appear to be receiving higher annual revenue than other related jobs. Though not on any given salary scale, average political appointee may be earning cumulative of N15million annually.
This is one of the top-respected military with staffs in thousands. Based on ranks, the Nigerian navy is among the top military earning highest salary. The salary scale is based on ranks and promotions. The job also comes with other benefits such as pension and gratuities, housing and allowances for senior staff, etc.
The Nigerian Air Force is another high-earning military job. With professionals and trained personnel measuring in thousands, the arm of military is reputed to be the highest earning. The earning and annual benefits is according to ranks and promotions. The job also comes with pensions and gratuities, housing and allowances for senior officials.
Custom and Immigration is another civil service job responsible for the patrol, security, and documentations of boundaries importation and exportations and human migration. It is one of the relatively, good service job because of the numerous revenue sources associated with job as well as good packages as the rank gets higher. It is also a pensionable federal government job.
Central bank of Nigerian work is currently among the top-earning jobs in Nigeria. It comes with benefits of pension, promotions which leads to continuous salary increment, and other benefits. Thousands of Nigerians are currently working as CBN staff.

These are companies who are solely into the production and manufacturing of goods in Nigeria and are among the Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria. They are private enterprises i.e. owned by individuals and have employed thousands of Nigerians and still have good record of staff welfare. Below are the top-known ones:
Dangote group of companies are into numerous productions and manufacturing operations from flour, sugar, noodles, cements, to fertilizers, etc. with thousands of Nigerians under employment, the company pays average confirmed staffs high salary and moderately-good salary for other staffs.
Lafarge is another giant private company with numerous staffs. The company currently pay well to the confirmed staff.
Nigerian breweries is known for the millions of Nigerians working in different categories of the industries. The senior staff receive good pay per annum in cumulative of benefits.
Coca-Cola is an international company with numerous locations in Nigeria and employs thousands of Nigerian the company currently pays well for the confirmed staffs.
The international breweries is another known company in this category. They pay good salary to the confirmed staffs alongside other benefits.
Guinness Nigeria plc currently have good number of staffs receiving high salary per annum. The company has overall number of staffs reading in thousands.
This is another known consumer-goods producing company with wide range of products and Nigerian staffs. The senior staffs in this company receive millions per annual income.
P&G is a popular consumer-goods producing company with wide range of products. The company gas numerous Nigerians as staffs and pay their senior staffs high salary as well.

These are companies associated with banking and finances and one of the Highest Salary-Paying Companies In Nigeria. They undertake various monetary services and have good number of Nigerians employed in them. From banking to insurance and mortgages, etc.
This is one of the top-paying banks in Nigeria when it comes to staff packages. With numerous branches spread across the country, the bank has hundreds of Nigerians working in the branches. The confirmed staffs receive millions per annual income.
FirstBank plc is into wide range of services as well as banking. With different branches across the country and hundreds of Nigerians employed, the confirmed staffs receive millions per annum salary. While lower staffs receive over a million per annum salary.
Zenith bank plc is a well-known bank for classic and innovation. Recently regarded as one of the high-paying banks when it comes to staff welfare.
Other related services companies paying high-salary to staffs are;
Stanbic IBTC Holdings