How To Block Any Email Address In Your Gmail Account

Dealing with unwanted emails had been a problem with most email accounts especially those that usually receive hundreds of emails per day. The unwanted emails do not only make the account owner annoyed but create an extra job by wasting the time need to filter the inbox for real emails.
Unwanted and unauthorized emails can make the account miss a genuine email in the email box if hundreds of unwanted emails are going into a particular inbox.
There is a possibility that important email may be displayed from its position of view for the account user, leading to multiple unread important emails.
The need for the elimination of unwanted and unauthorized emails made it possible for some to be classified as spam emails.
But classifying emails as spams is not enough in these days software system since lots of email sending software have a way of manipulating their emails so it wouldn’t appear like a spam or be dropped into the spam folder.
Due to the above reason, Gmail; a google owned email service firm has introduced ways their account owners can simply block any email address of their choice in a way of eliminating the presence of unauthorized and unwanted emails in their inbox.
3 Steps to Block Any Email Address

The process of blocking any email address involves three steps, which are:
- Login into your Gmail account inbox folder, type in the email address in the search email form at the top the inbox folder. The emails sent by the address will show up, click on the email address to access the user details.
- At the right-hand side, there is a drop-down arrow, click on it to reveal all the options in it, then go down to the option “Block ‘the email address” and click on it.
- The email address will be blocked after a confirmation of a pop-up asking “block” click on it to confirm you intend to block the email address.
With the step 3 you have blocked the email address from further disturbance. But I some case we may need to delete all the previous emails sent by the email account to create space and save the account bites consumption.
4 Steps to Delete All Emails Sent By a Blocked Email Address

To proceed in deleting all the emails sent by the blocked address you will need the Gmail filters because it will help to forward all the emails from a specific sender to the trash folder, here is the procedure on how to do it;
- Before blocking the email address open all the email sent by the address by simply typing the address in the search box.
- Click on the inverted triangle beside the reply option at the top and choose the option “Filter messages like this”. The option will help you send all emails from the address to trash folder.
- If you want to block more than one email address, separate them with a vertical bar, i.e. “|”. And choose to Create filter with this search” link at the bottom and check the “Delete it” option.
- You can select the option “Also apply the filter to matching conversation” to delete all previous emails from the email addresses.
4 Steps To Unblock an Already Blocked Email Address

If you wish to unblock a particular email address, here is the procedure:
- Click on the gear icon located at the top right-hand side of your account and chose the setting option and click on it.
- It will show other options, navigate to the “Filters and Blocked Addresses” tab and click on it.
- It will show all the blocked email address at the bottom, choose any of the email address you wish to unblock and click on the “unblock” link beside the email address
- Confirm your action by checking on the “unblock” pop-up.
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