Reasons Microsoft Professional Program Included Machine Learning

Though Microsoft had been busy throughout the 2017 period, the company was still able to make advances in its professional program.
Based on the program details, the MPP (Microsoft professional program) was hosted through the Microsoft virtual academy which was intended to become a wide program for online learning engine based data systems.
A lot of expansion in terms of new programs had been added since June 2017 to date. It was on the early expansion of the program that the Big Data and Front-End Web Development tracks went live.
The large program initiated by Microsoft was built around the major online learning engine based on Azure Online and uses the Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs) hosted in partnership with edX. Its Data science offers were meant to deliver a full-fledged curriculum made up of seven courses.
A concluding capstone project is used to tie the courses together and help candidates develop & hone workplace-oriented technical skills and abilities.
The update made later gave interested IT pros opportunity to take the courses for free, meanwhile, a stipulated fee of $99 per-course are mandatory for those that will obtain credit in the form of a certificate of completion after the program.
The above fee is the same for the capstone project before the update of the program which gave an option for free courses.
According to research, the MPP added extra new tracks just before the end of 2017 and the tracks added were:
- Cloud Administration (tentative beta release: July 2017)
- DevOps (tentative beta release: July 2017)
- Back-End Web Development (tentative beta release: sometime in Q4 2017)

The courses are of great importance to IT professionals and their previous certified participants had recorded success in their field of applications.
To add more value to the program, a good number of MCSA and MCSE had been added. Other important courses include:
MCSA machine learning: the course will have its scope in the area of analyzing Big Data with Microsoft R and performing Cloud Data Science with Azure Machine learning, the scope will be able to dive the IT professionals into machine learning projects and programs full-bore.
Those that earned the MCSA machine learning will have selective exams to earn MCSE Data Management and Analytics certification which is a course that let IT, professionals, to cover a raft of topic related to cloud data performance, Big Data Analytics, SQL Server, data warehousing and modeling and lots more.
MCSA Business Intelligence Reporting: will aid in analyzing and visualizing Data with power BI plus and analyzing data with Excel.
MCSA Data Engineering with Azure: helps to perform data engineering on Microsoft HD insight and Microsoft cloud services.
MCSA Azure Database Development: focused on implementing NoSQL solutions with Document DB and Azure Search, also for designing and implementing cloud platform solutions.
Based on the report obtained concerning this training, it is believed that modern machine learning will require such a professional program. The modern artificial intelligence machines will require humans to have basic knowledge of the programmable languages used in the machines’ programs.