Flying Car Designed By Students in the UK

From science fiction to reality, the world will soon welcome the first simplified and portable flying car. The recent flying car is quite different from the existing ones showcased in the past. It has unique features that make it the best so far shown.
This is a great concept for science students based in the United Kingdom. The students thought it necessary to improve the modern means of transportation which will help to decrease road congestion and increase the lifespan of tarred roads as well as railways.
The prototype of this car has been made and revealed through a video uploaded online in that regard. The students were able to carry out operational tests of the car to see how it can work. Though still under the perfection process, the new flying really exhibited good and promising features that can really change the future transportation means.
In other words, the use of air as a travelling route is no longer science fiction but rather reality as exhibited b modern transportation engineering. Properly a few years from now, humans could be flying in the air with small portable air vehicles either as special drones or as flying cars.
Note that while drones only fly and land on the ground, the flying cars fly and run on the roads as well.
This really exhibits how useful flying cars will become in the future. Above all, some of the flying cars and drones are very small, light in weight, and can be moved easily by one user in the case of an emergency.
The new flying car concept also provides hope for the fight against carbon emission as it operates exclusively with a renewable energy power supply. The assurance of future eco-friendly transportation.
Once commercialized and affordable, such flying can make humans fly in the car like birds as exhibited in most science movies.
From the video below, the flying is undergoing some tests with the help of a remotely controlled operation. The performance recorded from the video was very awesome, showing the reality of covering long-distance miles once perfected.
Though little has been said about this new concept, it could possibly become the base of designs for other flying cars considering its streaming features that enables it to fly with little air resistance.
A Video Showing the Powerful Features of a Flying Car Designed By Students in the UK
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