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How to Distribute Water Pressure Uniformly in Tall Buildings


How to Distribute Water Pressure Uniformly in Tall Buildings


Understanding the principle of pressure is very vital in the installation of water tanks. The major water problem usually encountered in upstairs and tall buildings is the non-uniform flow of the water to all the flats in the building.

This problem can be seen in most old buildings that have multiple flats and are made to be upstairs or multiple stories buildings.

The modern design of such types of buildings has given ideas on how to tackle issues of water distribution across all the flats of any tall building irrespective of the height.

As an engineer or builder clients will expect the perfect function of your works after handing over your finished works to them.

To eliminate the possibility of a complaint and denying of contracts in the subsequent opportunities, it is very necessary that you understand everything we shall be discussing in this post.

When working with water projects the most considering issue will be water pressure, according to some engineers’ statistics water pressure constitutes over 70% of most water problems in any building.

And a series of attempts are usually employed by those not familiar with water pressure in tackling water problems in any building.

Though some of the attempts may appear temporary successful the durability of the function will not last since the major issue generating the problem has not been fixed.

When considering water pressure as a factor for most water problems in any building, we shall first try to understand water pressure and its principle. Pressure generally works with the principle of force divided by the area:

Pressure = force/area

What this means is that any pressure that exists, is the product of the force acting on the body or object divided by the area of that body or object.

For an instant, you have two plastic pipes of 100mm diameter and 20mm diameter and these pipes were connected with water from a tank which exerts a force on the water inside it due to gravity to flow out at the force of 10N.

It simply means that the pressure at the first plastic pipe of 100mm diameter will be = 10N/0.1m(100mm)= 100N/M, while the pressure in the small plastic pipe will be = 10N/0.02m(20mm) = 500N/M.

Now compare the pressure in the two pipes to observe the huge difference they have despite that they are having the same force acting on them.

For this reason, a good engineer, technician, or builder must consider the above factor before carrying out any water project.

The image accompanying this post reveals the modern design in which water pressure can be distributed equally across all the flats in tall buildings.

The principle behind the design lies in the fact that force exerted in flowing water is proportional to the height in which the water tank is hanged due to gravity, considering the fact that potential energy is a product of mass X gravity x-height.

It will be an error to hang all the water tanks on the level of a tall building, the reason is that the floors closer to the ground will receive high pressure in the water flow.

While the floors closer to the building roof may have very low pressure in water flow and sometimes may not even have water flowing in them the severe situation in this fault depends on how poor the design of the building by the builder.

To avert this scenario, a builder must consider placing the tanks in a way that they are at least 20 feet above each floor to any of the water tanks that are expected to supply water.

To make such a design possible, the image above this post reveals how most engineers are designing modern building water tanks stand for water projects, a good look at the image will give you more ideas about this content.

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