Solve Computer Keyboard Problems

Using a defective computer keyboard can be frustrating especially when the source of the problem is not known. The issues of missing alphabets during typing and continuous input of a single alphabet when a key is pressed once had been common in faulty keyboards.
Loss of input signal which some people call “key hanging” is another problem of computer keyboards that usually occurs in the external keyboards used by desktop computers since laptop keyboards are usually fixed.
However, the problem can also occur in the laptop keyboard if it has become faulty.
The problems of the keyboard may not be attributed to a single causing factor because different conditions may cause that computer part to start malfunctioning and some of those factors include:
- Defective connection cord.
- Double keys pressing at the same time.
- Internal pressing of the key occurs after the keyboard had fallen on the ground several times.
- Entering water or other liquid into the keyboard is another factor.
- Wrong settings in the computer can cause some unusual commands on the computer screen to take place.
- The low computer processor can also temper with the click and respond function of the keyboard.
Besides the above list of possible malfunctioning factors, there may be others but let’s go straight to the major issue of ratifying a faulty keyboard as a result of water entering it.
For some reason, we do have our computer keyboard accidentally affected by water present in it. No matter how the water entered and the quantity of the water, the fault is little going to be the same but the proportionality may be according to the water quantity.
The basic sign of water present in a keyboard is the automatic pressing of keys and lack of key response, etc.
The procedure for handling any keyboard affected by water involves:
- Clean the outer surface of the keyboard properly with a dry cloth until there is no appearance of water on it,
- Hold one edge of the keyboard in an upside-down position and wave it repeatedly as though you are fanning someone. This action will force water droplets hidden in it to come out, ensure you did it until enough water appears on its initially dried surface.
- Dry the surface again with a dry cloth and repeat the numbers 2 and 3 steps until water stops appearing on the surface after waving.
- To know if the water penetrated into the keyboard panel which will make the repair a serious one, plugs the keyboard cord into the computer open a Microsoft word and use the keyboard to type all the keys, and check the overall functionalities to see if they are in order.
- If no problem is seen when the problem is solved, but if not continue with step 6.
- Place the keyboard in direct sunlight for about 3 hours to allow the heat from the sun to dry up the water in the interior panel.
- Test the keyboard again as you did in step 4, if the problem persists, lose the keyboard with a screwdriver by turning the top with the key buttons downward, making the back with screws face upward.
- Loose the screws properly and gently lift the back cover.
- Lose the plastic panel fixed with the buttons carefully to avoid disordering the keyboard after the repair.
- The space between the buttons’ base and the panel’s surface should be cleaned properly with a dry cloth and kept in direct sunlight for some time to help remove traces of water hidden in the buttons’ bottom and intricate places in the panel.
- After drying the parts, assemble them back by fixing them to their initial settings and ensure the buttons are aligned to the panel as it was initiated during the dismantling.
- To check if you have successfully repaired the keyboard repeat step 4 and it may reveal that your keyboard has returned to its normal functionalities.

The last steps are the most difficult aspect of the handling the issue of a water problem in a keyboard, but they have proven to solve about 80% of the difficult situation of keyboard problems, hence if the steps proved abortive, the keyboard may need replacement or taken to an expert.
These steps mentioned above may not actually be simple for some models of keyboards based on the manufacturer.
Evidence has shown that some of the desktop keyboards were built with rigid fixing systems like the Zinox computer keyboard and other brands.
Therefore losing such a keyboard without being very careful may render it unusable for the novice but an experienced computer hardware expert will always find a way to dismantle any type of keyboard and fix it back without altering the button setting or changing the settings.
Laptop computer keyboards are easier to repair than that of the desktop due to their simplicity, size, and the way all the buttons are joined together with a rubber pad,
Some problems of a laptop keyboard can be solved by just disconnecting it from the motherboard, bringing it out from the laptop, and dusting it by hitting it with a hand while facing downward and cleaning the inside with a dry cloth.
Sometimes, disconnecting and reconnecting a laptop keyboard can solve its problem of malfunctioning. Issues like dust can easily affect the laptop keyboard.
But in the case of water dropping on it, following the above steps can help ratify the problem as it bears less risk to repair than some brands of a desktop keyboard.