Difference Between Cameroon Zinc And Cameroon Short Span Aluminum Roofing Sheets
The building terminologies in Nigeria have been a problem for the novice due to an improper understanding of what some terms mean.
When a builder says Cameroon zinc, some clients do misunderstand it to be the normal short-span aluminum roofing sheets, which are rather called Cameroon Aluminum roofing sheets or Cameroon sheets in a short form.
However, that is not actually true when it comes to dealing with the sellers or manufacturers of those roofing sheets.
The difference in meaning for both had been a source of confusion and a loophole for some builders to dupe their clients.

For the record, Cameroon zinc can be referred to as the normal corrugated iron sheets made in Cameroon and imported into the country.
The roofing sheets differ from other types of roofing sheets of their category because they were made of an alloy of aluminum, iron, and zinc
The combination of these metals in the making of the roofing sheets, made it become very resistant to corrosion and rust attacks, such that they can last for years without any rust appearing on any of their parts.
The above advantage of the Cameroon zinc made it preferred that the conventional zinc corrugated iron sheets which are usually prone to rust and corrosion attacks after a few years of their installation.

The Cameroon zinc sheet has the same size, bundle quantities, and span embossing designs as that of the conventional zinc corrugated iron sheets, and their bundle quantities are usually 20 pieces per bundle but the prices of the two types differ greatly from the Cameroon zinc having high price than the other.
However, the Cameroon aluminum roofing sheets have greatly different from the Cameroon zinc in size, material, color, cost, bundle quantity, span design, etc.
The popular short-span aluminum roofing sheets in the Nigerian markets are what builders & dealers refer to as Cameroon aluminum roofing sheets, the reason for that does not actually mean that the sheets were made and imported from Cameroon like the Cameroon zinc.

Rather it is because the designs of the roofing sheets came out as the first pure short-span aluminum sheets bearing different colors and span embossing designs like the Cameroon zinc though they were different in size.
It is later the span embossing designs of the short-span aluminum roofing sheets started having differences from the normal zinc sheets.
When it comes to sizes, prices, bundle quantities, etc. you will need to go through our previous posts related to this topic.
Meanwhile, the two roofing sheets have proven to be rust and corrosion-resistant roofing sheets in Nigeria and they both offer average market prices per bundle when compared to other roofing sheets.
They may be termed as the middle categories of roofing sheets which is why most average citizens use them for roofing.
Besides the above-mentioned differences, you will observe that some terms in our previous posts referred to the Cameroon aluminum roofing sheets as Cameroon zinc.
The reason is that when it comes to describing the name does not really matter to the builders rather, what they care most is the size of the roofing sheets you want, how resistant will they be to rust & corrosion, and the amount of money you can afford to buy the bundles of roofing sheets.
These criteria will help the builder to choose the right sheets and then prescribe the proper name to the market dealers or manufacturers.
But to a layman’s understanding, Cameroon zinc is most times misinterpreted and usually called Cameroon aluminum roofing sheets and vice versa.
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