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Top 11 Powerful Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation


Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation

Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation

Automation seems like a word in modern engineering, but it had been in existence since the moment humans start to understand what engineering is all about.

Though early automation may have a different meaning than modern automation. The early automation was carried out using cams, linkage systems, and pulleys, to make work easier and in some cases self-actuating.

Historically, Egypt and other popular nations were using bulls and other animals for mills, plows, and other machines. In some terms, such can be seen as automation even though it is not similar to the modern age of artificial intelligence.

Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation
Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation

The use of cams and mechanized method followed next in the automation system, until the current use of computer-written programs.

Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation
Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation

The new automation method has not only cleared the doubt about full industrial automation, but it has also created confidence for everyone and brought respect to the engineering sector.

Industries now see reasons to automate their operations than doing otherwise. There are many advantages industrial automation can offer in modern industrial systems where quality and speed are vital issues.

Top 11 Powerful Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation

Organizations and industries employ robotic systems because of the following reasons:


Automation of the manufacturing operations increases the productivity of labor, resulting in greater output per hour of labor input.

Also, higher production rates output per hour are achieved with automation than with the corresponding minimal operation.

It makes it easy to stand out in the current market competition where speed and batch production is very important.


Though everyone fears the loss of job automation can create, it will, on the other hand, lead to a substantial reduction in the prices of finished goods.

The reason can be traced to the few laborers on the manager’s list, leading to a low cost of labor and subsequent reduction in the prices of finished products.

The trend in the industrialized societies of the world has been toward ever-increasing labor costs.

Consequently, higher investment in automated equipment has become economically justifiable to replace manual operations.

The high cost of labor is presently resulting in substituting machines for human error.

Since machines can produce at higher rates of output, the use of automation results in a lower cost per unit of product.


Automation is another way of handling shortages in human workers, especially in some job categories where only a few professionals can be found.

Some advanced nations may not have enough human forces to carry out all the industrial activities. Automation has become a substitute for a shortage of workers.


Automation of manufacturing jobs has caused a shift of the workforce employed in manufacturing to the service sector.

However, there are also social and institutional forces that are responsible for the trend.

The growth of government employment at the federal, state, and local levels has consumed a certain share of the labor market which might otherwise have gone into manufacturing.

Also, there has been a tendency for people to view factory work as tedious, demeaning, and dirty. This view has caused them to seek employment in the service sector.


Another reason for automation is to create a safe working environment free from accidents usually caused by human factors.

Work is made safer when operations are automated and operators are transferred from active participation to a supervisory role.

The safety and physical well-being of workers can be improved using automation.


Efficiency is very important in modern industrial production and the efficiency must include proper control and utilization of raw materials used for production in a way of minimizing waste.

Raw materials cost high due to the higher demands from the increasing numbers of industries across the globe.

Therefore, the industries need to improvise their available raw materials in order to cut down the total cost of production which may help a lower price of the finished products.

Such an idea is ideal for serious market competition.


There is no doubt that modern industrial automation has greatly helped manufacturers in the making of quality products.

Since machines do almost everything in the production line, errors are minimized, leading to uniform and neat products.

In the making of engine or machine parts, accuracy is highly recommended which the previous method of using humans find it very difficult to maintain.

But automation has made it possible for over hundreds of a machine parts to be produced with uniformity in every aspect, thereby, maintaining the set accuracy in the automation.


To meet up with the modern industrial completion and market demands, time management is very important.

Automation offers industrialists a good opportunity to manage their time properly and be able to predict any quantity intended for a given period of time.

Automation has helped in the massive production of goods leading to a reduction in price.


The benefits of automation often show up in intangible and unexpected ways, such as improved quality, higher sales, better labor relations, and better company image.

Companies that do not automate are likely to find themselves at a competitive disadvantage with their customers, their employees, and the general public.

Several factors act together to make manufacturing automation a feasible and attractive alternative to manual methods of manufacture.


A significant cost is incurred by the manufacturer when large inventories of work-in-process are held because it ties up capital. In-process inventory is of no value.

It serves none of the purposes of raw materials stock or finished product inventory.

Accordingly, it is to the manufacturer’s advantage to reduce work progress to its minimum.

Automation tends to accomplish the goal since it reduces the time products spend in the factory.


Some countries may be having problems with unions created by the labor force usually in the form of strike actions, and other major activities leading to the closure of the factories.

Automation could serve as an option in ensuring 24 hours production with only a few human supervisors.


The above are the Top 11 powerful reasons for Modern Industrial Automation. You can share your thoughts with us through the comment section.

1 thought on “Top 11 Powerful Reasons For Modern Industrial Automation”

  1. It is interesting that industrial automation creates a safer work environment. In order to achieve that, you’d need to choose reliable automation. You could do this by checking reviews of potential automation providers.

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