Ways Of Making Good Grade as an Engineering Student
It is the dream of every student to make a good grade in the tertiary schools but not everyone does actualize that dream, it may not be because they are not serious, or are dull students, but for a simple reason of not practicing a better method to favor their academic dreams.
Most students read all day yet come out without poor results while some read-only three (3) hours a day and made the best result. It is not in the hours you read rather it is in the power to retain the information you are getting while reading.
Having a good retentive memory will not only help you to read less and reduce suffering yourself in school it will also give you good results.
There are secrets the best students you to stay above everyone which others do not know rather think that it is all about reading, the major secret is that most of them are enhancing their memory with good memory development habits, food nutrition, and memory-boosting tablets.

From the above secrets, the following are mandatory if you need to have a retentive memory and easily pass your exams;
Your memory is what determines the level of information retained after some time, so in other to know what to do to improve your memory I will like you to read the ‘’HABITS TO IMPROVE YOUR MEMORY’’ the way you build your brain will show in your exams and it is all determined by retentiveness.
Much will not be said here as that referred topic gives a breakdown of brain improvement.
It is good to read hard as a student but it is bad not to understand when to read, this is the problem with most students because every evening your colleagues will go to class to read from 7 pm to 11 pm before going to bed you start to believe that is the best time for you.
Meanwhile, some factors may not support your brain to function above average at that hour either because of the food you do take as a dinner which reduces blood supply to the brain rather supply more blood to the digestive system for the breakdown of the food.
If someone took ordinary fruit, biscuit, or juice and go to class and you took cassava products (starch, akpu, garri, etc) with soap, beans, bread, yam, etc your reading ability will not be them that ate the light foods.
As a student study your body and choose when your body is light especially after sleeping that is the best time to study, do not read because others are doing so, read because it is your reading time.

Every course has course content which is mainly listed by the lecturer at the beginning of a semester, it is your duty to obtain the materials recommended by the course teacher and study with them.
This material will serve as a means to stay focused on your study in the case where you need clarification you can then consult other materials just for that very purpose and when clarified return to your course contents as no exams questions will be asked outside the course content.
Social activities such as welcome parties, dinner nights, award nights, show nights, picnics, excursions, browsing, and over-involvement in social media such as; Facebook, WhatsApp, 2go, Twitter, etc. is not advised for any student seeking good grade because they divert the student’s attention and reduce the time needed to study.
In most cases, most students will be carried away by these activities believing that the exam and test period is still far, meanwhile that is the period the serious students use to start the preparation for the semester tests and exams.
Addictions such as pornography, masturbation, alcoholism, smoking, and hard drugs are among the things that impact negatively on the lives of the students.
It affects their thinking ability, relationships, concentration, and enthusiasm for the academy goal will be greatly affected, they make the student dull and consume the time needed for studying.
Addiction has made most students unable to graduate from school, the worst among them is the students involved in cultism.
It does not only make them perform poorly in their results but also puts the student’s life at risk because some of them end up being killed by the rival cults before graduation while the lucky ones may have a series of carrying over to write before graduating.
Some religious adage says ‘’A CLOSED MOUTH IS A CLOSED DESTINY’’ as simple as it can sound but that is just the basic truth.
Any student desiring to be the best or among the best must be outspoken and able to interact with other students in a way of asking questions and clarifying areas he or she is in doubt about.
There is nothing wrong if you throw questions at your lecturer at every lecture in order to be clarified, it will not only boost your confidence in that course but will also make the lecturer see how committed you are to understanding his or her course (a secret that can boost your scores).
Even in courses students complain about, do not join the complaining team rather join the research team to bring up challenging questions to the lecturer.