Facebook is currently the most populated social network website with over 100 million subscribers, the problem of deleting account may arise from time to time depending on some circumstances.
Social media users like Facebook users have the privilege to create one or more social media accounts depending on the intended use.
Those getting exposed to how social media works often get stocked while trying to create an account instead of completing the process.
Some may decide to abandon the account and start the entire process all over the next time they visit the social media website address.
Thereby making the previously created account an incomplete example without profile photo and bearer name details.
A condition such as this contributes to junk accounts on social media and they are usually removed by the social media staff moderators after some time of inactivity found in the account.
Besides the above cause, the properly created Facebook account may become inactive forever due to the loss of the password and details used in creating the account.
Such is possible for users who lost their telephone number or lost their email address password used in creating the Facebook account.
Other issues include;
The possibility that the account details are wrong during the creation and thus need to be deleted.
The relative of someone who had died may decide to delete the victim’s Facebook account.
For security reasons, a Facebook user may decide to delete the account if the user feels monitored or insecure about the account.
Someone else who has your Facebook account details such as; password, phone number, or email address may decide to punish the account owner by requesting the account deletion.
Despite these reasons, Facebook moderators/ administrators had a policy regarding the deletion of any account permanently which was made to avoid unauthorized deletion of an account permanently due to some unusual activity in the account.
Normally deleting any inactive account that had stayed for years on the social media is a norm in every social media platform since it helps to reduce Disk space, increase speed, and reduce junk accounts but so is different when a user personally applied for account deletion.

According to the facebook’s page detail, here is what they have to say concerning the permanent deletion of accounts
“If you don’t think you’ll use Facebook again, you can request to have your account permanently deleted.
Please keep in mind that you won’t be able to reactivate your account or retrieve anything you’ve added.
Before you do this, you may want to download a copy of your info from Facebook.
Then, if you’d like your account permanently deleted with no option for recovery, log into your account and let us know.
The deletion process begins 14 days after you submit your request. During this time, your account is in a deactivated state and you can choose to cancel your account deletion.
When you delete your account, people won’t be able to see it on Facebook.
It may take up to 90 days from the beginning of the deletion process to delete all of the things you’ve posted, like your photos, status updates or other data stored in backup systems.
While we are deleting this information, it is inaccessible to other people using Facebook.
Some of the things you do on Facebook aren’t stored in your account.
For example, a friend may still have messages from you even after you delete your account. That information remains after you delete your account.”
Meanwhile, the procedure released by the trusted views publication involves the following;
Procedures on How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently
First, you will deactivate your account which will automatically cause the account to become offline but may still be accessible by only you, within 90 days of the deactivation, you can still activate your account to come online if you wish.
During the deactivation period, no one sees your timeline, or post you publish and your account becomes inaccessible by the Facebook search engine if someone type-in your name.
Previous messages you sent to others will be visible to them including pictures during the deactivation period. At this stage, your information like friends, likes, and groups you belong to will be saved for easy reactivation in the case you decide to reactivate the account within 90 days.
Procedures on How To Delete Your Facebook Account Permanently: ACCOUNT PERMANENT DELETION STAGE
Deleting your account is a serious request to Facebook which may not be done immediately without giving enough time for a possible change of mind.
The reason for it is that Facebook had made it clear that once an account is permanently deleted from the social network everything associated with the account will be lost permanently.
For the above reason, after the account deletion, some days will be given and during those days every associated with the account starts to be deleted gradually and during the period if the account user logs in into the account the permanent deletion request will be canceled.
It may take Facebook 90 days to completely delete everything associated with the account including the backed-up files in their system. Hence, making it virtually impossible to gain access to that account after 90 days.
According to Facebook, copies of some material like log records may remain in their database but will “disassociated from personal identifiers”.
Based on the two stages mentioned above, the only period that changing of mind is possible and all the data associated with the account will still remain intact is the deactivation stage.
After this stage, the possibility of having all your files back may not exist and it would take a special intervention to have the account back.
Therefore allowing the account deletion request to reach the permanent deletion stage means an order to the company to shut down the account. An action that cannot be reversed.