How Linkedin Helps Build Friends Around Your Profession
In this post you will learn:
- What is LinkedIn
- How LinkedIn works
- How to build strong connections of professional colleagues
- How to build friends around your profession
- Benefits of having network of your profession and lots more.
LinkedIn has grown to become one of the job-linking and connecting website across the globe. LinkedIn offers the combination of job-linking, career connection, and social media experience. In this case, you are not just building connections rather you are connecting and socializing with others including companies.
![Linkedin: A Job-linking social media](
Using LinkedIn social network is very easy just like Facebook and other social media but building network of friends with specific interest is not an easy task. To get that in a social media like LinkedIn could be very easy than others.
Let me drop details of what LinkedIn does and how it functions to get your network filled with friends that do almost the exact thing you do for a living.
LinkedIn has a total average daily visitors of approximately two million and this figure is enough to get you noticed around your career professionals.
Do you imagine what you stand to benefit by building connections of up to 30,000 friends within your profession? The benefit is not just one rather numerous. Here are what you stand to benefit from such connection;
You stay up to date with latest information within your network.
You can job offer advertised for people within your network.
You can improve your skill and knowledge by associating with colleagues in your profession.
Your confidence in what you do will improve because of friends could advice you better.
You stand the chance of being callout to hold a position in any association within your profession.
Companies looking for services from your profession can easily locate you.
You can easily sell anything to your profession colleagues that could be of interest to them.
And many other benefits. So you can now see why you need more network within your profession.
When signing up for the social media account, there are prompts to add your work experience, age, education and so many other information surrounding your profession. Those information usually go a long way in helping the social to get a clear picture of who you are, where you have worked, or where you are currently working.
The schools you have attended, and lots more. Based on keyword and hashtags, you will be linked with people with similar information like yours without searching for them. in other words, these people will automatically show up in your ‘Build Network’ suggestions.
In most cases, the first 10 persons that will show up are actually those you know. Some may be your former working colleagues, former school mates, your former boss, or even your own relative. Once you send for connection request and the connection is accepted the remaining network connection suggestions will start building on the network that has been connected.
The above explanation means you should be very careful on the first to fifty persons you are connecting on LinkedIn because the remaining network suggestion will be showing up based on their own network hashtags.
Assuming you are new on LinkedIn and wants to connect to the real people within your profession, do the following;
After filling up your details and got about 90% of profile information and settings, checkout the list of people in your network suggestion.
If the people in your network suggestion does not match your interest, use your hashtag example #mechanical engineer, or #banker, or #public administrator, etc. insert any of the profession you are looking for with a hashtag insert the search form at the top section of the social media page.
When you click search, there will be list of people using such hashtag. Click on their profile and request for a connection.
Do not connect with anyone else outside the profession you are looking for even if the person sent connection request to you.
Maintain the rules and use the strategy to get about 100 connecting of friends within your profession and leave LinkedIn to do the remaining job.
LinkedIn is a hashtag and profile information sensitive social network. From the list of hundred connections you have made within your profession, be assured that the network suggestions that will be showing on your profile are those within your profession.
At this stage is you click ‘connect’ to any of the suggestion, you will be building more friends connection within your profession.
You can do this as many time as you can because LinkedIn permits you to build up to 30,000 connections within your profession, imagine the impact such connection would make in your career growth.
From the whole list of actions you are to perform on the LinkedIn network, you can now see that every action you take on the social network will either take you closer to the list of professional friends you are looking for or take you away from the list of professional friends you are looking for, so here is the rule ‘stick to the hashtag you want and never deviate from it’.