How Amazon Use Modern Robots In Their Services

The use of robots for service delivery has already commenced, this is coming at a time many predictions had been made on the possibility of robots replacing humans in the future. The predictions have already started facing facts. Hence humans should be ready to embrace the age of robots.
It has been discovered that the world’s largest online market “AMAZON” has started employing robotic mini-vehicles for service delivery to their customers. The major purpose behind the hiring was to increase the speed which goods will be delivered to their customers.

The robots look like small vehicles which drive themselves without any human control. They are numerous in number estimated to be over 100,000 and are arranged in an orderly manner such that the movement of one does not intercept or hit another.
Assumptions are that the robots may have been employed to reduce confusions in the arrangement of goods within amazon warehouses such that it would enable the robots to locate particular goods based on its coding and shelf location.

Another assumption; is that the robots will help to prevent loss of goods within the warehouses since everything has been coded and any loss of goods can easily be known based on certain programming principles.
Another assumption; is that robots will reduce the rate of damage of goods which is peculiar with human handling. Such robots may have the ability to detect fragile goods and handle them with care to avoid damage this may be made known through their sensors.
Beyond speed, there are so many other reasons why Amazon is going for Robots, of which customers’ satisfaction is one of them. In the mist of millions of goods in a single warehouse, robots can quickly identify the goods you have place order for delivery, locate the goods where it is packed and send it for delivery within seconds.
Amazon may be employing more robots in the future for other functions such as human-like robots for driving their delivery trucks, etc.