Yes, Artificial Intelligence can now Determine any Human Mood
Do you know that the mood of everyone can be determined by artificial intelligence? The recent improvements in artificial intelligence have made it possible for numerous applications. From facial recognition to other numerous sophistications.
Among the improvements is the ability to determine human emotions or mood disorder. This implies the AI being able to reveal your state of mind at any time by simply working with the information provided through our facial expression. The facial recognition features played vital role in its recent development whose advancement has made it possible for AI to actually reveal what is in human mind through the facial looks.
What this new invention is educating us has to do with the face being the massage carrier of what is going on in the mind. The human mind is filled with many thoughts going on in the brain. These thoughts are dynamic, their changing nature make it possible to have swing of emotions and moods in every few time interval.

Human moods are affected by many factors which includes; information we receive, money, relationships, problems, and lots more. The mood disorder determines the possible decision the individual could take at a given time.
In other words, this new invention could play vital role in determine the possible action an individual could take at a given time based on their current mood, an invention that could help in curbing suicides, criminalities, and lies as well as other actions.
With the simple demonstration revealed by experts, this invention could go along ay in improving our future technologies. Use the comment section to tell us what you think.