How a Car Built With Wood Works

Have you ever imagined seeing a car made with wood? Or imagined dynamic components of a machine running with wood? Assuming your answer is ‘Yes’. Do you know that your imagination is not far from reality?

Though it could be assumed impossible or very difficult to have a machine running on a wooden body, the recent revelation has proven it to be very possible.
The practical illustration of dynamic mechanisms of a car made with carved wood logs has proven that wood can serve some purpose in modern engineering if given the trial.
Not minding the negative properties of wood towards dynamics and friction, a long time of research and prototype experiment has illustrated that an entire component of a car could be made with wood carved to suit the desired shape.

In a practical illustration sent to the engineering all team, a researcher noted that he picked an interest in the work when he saw the information and decided to share it. In less than one minute of video, the working components of a car seemed to operate normally despite being made with wood.
The car and its mechanism are small and are a prototype made by one of the researchers to ascertain its potential in operating effectively. From the steering to all the dynamic components as well as its static components were all made with wood carved to suit the desired shape.
Considering the nature f the material, it could be doubting to see woods interacting with each other with less friction to produce the required kinetic energy from the mini engine powering the car.

Though it has not been proven that a car big enough to convey humans could be made entirely with wood. However, this experimental illustration appears to be sending the message that it can be very easy to have some of the car components made with wood.
Meanwhile, despite the possibility, wood appears to have a huge disadvantage of getting burnt if heated up due to high friction as well as getting in contact with heated components of the car.
Such a disadvantage could be enough to discard the use of wood in making intricate parts of cars such as the dynamic parts used in mechanisms and engine power transmission.
Notwithstanding, wood can find its use in some areas far away from heat and friction such as the doors, the seats, and the top covers and side covers.
Wood really stands to have a future in a modern automobile but such wood will pass through special treatments and would be suitable for cars that their use and intended environment will not have negative effects on wood.
However, Woods used in the making of special components that could be used in machines like the car will definitely not be any type of wood. Rather it should be wood that has the potential of withstanding great impact force as well as last longer in service.
The little success recorded in the experiment could be used to acquire wider knowledge of how far wood could go in modern-day engineering.
Perhaps, it could be the best time of giving special woods the necessary attention and trials to find more suitable applications for them in the current and future engineering.
A Video Showing How a Car Built With Wood Works
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