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Cost of Building a Room Self Contain in Nigeria

Cost of Building a Room Self Contain in Nigeria

Do you want to or are you intending to build a flat but are skeptical about the cost of building a room self contain in Nigeria? 

Cost of Building a Room Self Contain in Nigeria

Building a room self-contain in Nigeria has become an increasingly popular option for individuals seeking affordable and convenient housing solutions.

However, before embarking on such a project, you should understand‌ the various factors that influence the cost of construction in Nigeria. 

In this comprehensive guide on the cost of building a room self contain in Nigeria, we will delve into each stage of the construction process and provide price estimations to help you plan your budget effectively.

What is the Cost of Building a Room Self-Contain in Nigeria?

1. Location Analysis

The first consideration should be your intentional location. The location of your self-contained room plays a significant role in determining the overall cost. Construction costs can vary greatly between urban and rural areas. 

In major cities like Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt, the average cost per square meter of construction ranges from ₦150,000 to ₦300,000.

In smaller towns or rural areas, the cost can be slightly lower, averaging around ₦120,000 to ₦200,000 per square meter.

2. Land Acquisition

Land acquisition is a critical phase in the building process. In Nigeria, the price of land varies according to its location, size, and accessibility.

The cost per square meter in urban regions, particularly in coveted neighborhoods, can range from 2 million to 20 million. 

However, the price can be lower in smaller towns or rural areas, averaging between 500,000 and 5 million per square meter.

3. Architectural Design and Planning

The cost of hiring an architect can vary between 5% and 15% of the total construction cost. Engaging the services of a professional architect is crucial for creating a self-contained room that is both functional and visually appealing.

When it comes to the architectural design fee for a self-contained room, it generally ranges from ₦500,000 to ₦2 million. However, this cost can vary depending on factors such as the intricacy of the design and the reputation of the architect.

Architects play a vital role in the construction process. They possess the expertise to transform your vision into a well-planned and efficient space. Their skills include conceptualizing the layout, optimizing spatial utilization, and integrating essential amenities.

The cost of hiring an architect is typically justified by the value they bring to the project. Their professional guidance ensures that the self-contained room is designed with attention to detail, adheres to building codes and regulations, and maximizes functionality while maintaining an attractive aesthetic.

Architects collaborate closely with clients to understand their requirements and preferences. They consider factors such as the available budget, desired room size, layout efficiency, natural lighting, ventilation, and overall design harmony.

The complexity of the architectural design can influence the fee charged by an architect. Intricate designs, unique features, and customized elements may require more time and effort to develop, resulting in a higher fee.

The reputation and experience of the architect can also affect the design fee. Highly regarded architects who have established a solid track record may charge a higher fee based on their expertise and portfolio.

It is advisable to discuss the scope of work, deliverables, and fees with the architect before initiating the design process. This ensures transparency and helps both parties establish clear expectations.

However, investing in a skilled architect can significantly contribute to the success of your self-contained room project.

Their expertise helps to create a well-designed space that meets your needs, enhances the overall value of the property, and provides a comfortable living environment.

4. Construction Materials

The prices of materials such as cement, sand, gravel, steel rods, roofing sheets, and plumbing fixtures can vary depending on market demand, inflation, and location. 

Construction materials significantly impact the overall cost of building a self-contained room. As a rough estimation, the cost of construction. Construction materials can range from ₦2.5 million to ₦4 million for a standard self-contain room, including both structural and finishing materials.

5. Labor Costs

Labor costs make up a substantial portion of the total expenses of construction projects. The cost of skilled and unskilled labor varies widely depending on location and market demand. 

As a general estimation, labor costs can range from ₦1.5 million to ₦3 million for a standard self-contain room. 

Also, it is important to hire experienced and reliable contractors, masons, carpenters, and plumbers to ensure quality workmanship.

6. Foundation and Structural Work

Now you should understand that the foundation is a critical aspect of any building project. The cost of the foundation depends on factors such as soil conditions, site topography, and building regulations.

For a self-contained room, a simple strip foundation may be sufficient, costing around ₦1 million to ₦2 million. 

However, if additional measures such as piling are required due to poor soil conditions, the cost can increase to ₦3 million or more.

7. Utilities and Service

Installing basic utilities and services such as electricity, water supply, and sewage systems is essential for a functional self-contain room. The cost of connecting to existing infrastructure can vary depending on the location and distance from the main supply. 

As a rough estimation, the cost of utilities and services installation can range from ₦500,000 to ₦1.5 million, depending on the complexity of the connections and the availability of infrastructure.

8. Finishing and Interior Design

Finally, the finishing and interior design of a self-contain room greatly impacts its appeal and comfort. Expenses in this phase include flooring, painting, tiling, doors, windows, fixtures, and fittings. 

The cost of finishing materials and interior design elements can range from ₦1 million to ₦2.5 million, depending on the quality and aesthetic preferences.

9. Regulatory Costs and Permits

The cost of acquiring building permits, conducting environmental assessments, and fulfilling other regulatory requirements can vary depending on the specific location and the local authorities involved.

When undertaking a construction project, it is essential to obtain the necessary permits and comply with building regulations. These permits and regulations ensure that the construction meets safety standards, zoning requirements, and environmental considerations.

The cost of acquiring building permits and meeting regulatory requirements typically includes fees and associated documentation. However, it is important to note that the exact costs can vary significantly depending on the location and the specific project details.

As a rough estimate, regulatory costs for a self-contained room construction project can range from ₦300,000 to ₦1 million. This estimation encompasses the expenses associated with permit applications, plan reviews, inspections, and any additional requirements imposed by the local authorities.

The fees charged for building permits and regulatory compliance can differ from one jurisdiction to another. Local government bodies, such as town planning departments or development control agencies, are responsible for determining the fees based on their established regulations and fee structures.

The regulatory process typically involves submitting detailed construction plans, obtaining approvals, and meeting specific requirements set by the authorities. This ensures that the construction adheres to building codes, safety standards, and environmental regulations.

Environmental assessments may also be required, especially for projects that could impact the surrounding ecosystem or natural resources.

These assessments evaluate the potential environmental impact of the construction and may include studies on soil quality, air pollution, noise levels, or waste management. The costs associated with environmental assessments would depend on the scope and complexity of the study.

Ensuring compliance with building permits and regulatory requirements not only avoids legal issues but also guarantees that the construction project is carried out in a safe and sustainable manner, benefiting both the occupants and the surrounding community.

10. Contingency Budget

Having a contingency budget is essential to cater to unforeseen circumstances and unexpected costs. A contingency budget of 10% to 15% of the total construction cost is recommended. 

For a self-contain room, a contingency budget of ₦500,000 to ₦1 million is advisable to address any issues that may arise during the construction process.

11. Total Price Estimate

Cost of Building a Room Self Contain in Nigeria

Taking into account the various stages and expenses involved in building a room self-contain in Nigeria. the total price estimate can range from approximately ₦10 million to ₦25 million, depending on many factors.

Such as location, land acquisition costs, architectural design complexity, construction materials, labor costs, foundation requirements, utilities and services installation, finishing and interior design choices, regulatory costs and permits, and the inclusion of a contingency budget. 

It is important to note that these figures are rough estimations and can vary based on individual preferences, market conditions, and other specific factors. 

Conducting thorough research based on our estimates can help you generate accurate cost estimates.

Also, consulting with professionals will help ensure a more precise budget planning process and the successful completion of your self-contained room project within your financial capabilities.


Building a room self-contain in Nigeria requires careful planning and budgeting. By considering each stage of the construction process and estimating the associated costs, you can effectively plan your budget and ensure a successful project.

Keep in mind that the prices provided in this guide are rough estimations and can vary depending on several factors.

It is important to conduct thorough research, consult with professionals, and obtain accurate cost estimates to achieve your desired self-contained room within your budgetary constraints.

With proper preparation and knowledge, you can build a comfortable and affordable living space that meets your needs and enhances your quality of life.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Are there any additional costs involved apart from the construction expenses?

Yes, additional costs may include land acquisition, architectural design fees, building permits, utility connections, and furnishing the room.

2. Can the cost of building a room self-contain vary based on the location within a particular state?

Yes, the cost can vary based on factors such as land prices, availability of construction materials, and local labor rates in different areas within a state.

3. What are the average construction costs per square meter for a room self-contain in Nigeria?

On average, construction costs can range from ₦50,000 to ₦100,000 per square meter, depending on the quality of materials and finishes used.

4. Are there any specific materials or building techniques that can help reduce construction costs?

Yes, opting for cost-effective materials like concrete blocks, locally sourced materials, and simpler architectural designs can help reduce construction costs.

5. How do labor costs impact the overall cost of building a room self-contain in Nigeria?

Labor costs can significantly affect the overall cost. Skilled labor rates vary, and hiring skilled workers can increase construction expenses.

6. Are there any permits or fees that need to be considered when calculating the cost?

Yes, building permits and associated fees imposed by local government authorities should be considered when estimating the cost of construction

Please note that these answers are general and the actual costs can vary based on multiple factors, so it’s advisable to consult professionals and obtain local cost estimates for precise figures.

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