Features of New Robot Made by Robot-TEMA Engineers for Unique Exploration of other Planets
Understanding the important of robot for solar system exploration has been one of the fuel of most scientists who embarked on the journey rely on. The idea has brought so much knowledge to mankind regarding our surrounding environment and beyond. Through research and discoveries, the shape and magnitudes of the earth were made known. In the same regard, the discovery of other planets’ was made known.

Over the years, the need to know more and understand further ways of exploring the solar system has been on the rise. The idea to discover, study, evaluate, analyze, and possibly visit other planets has been one of the top goals of technologically advanced nations. Meanwhile, the technology needed to achieve all the space exploration dreams is not yet completely available.

This implies that more technology is needed to effectively explore the solar system however some of the technologies available so far could be used for planets closer to the earth such as Mars. No one has visited mars yet but the United States and Chinese have been able to land surveillance robots on the planet where data are being collected continuously to study the planet. However, these robots are limited are functionalities based on design.

To deal with the limitations, Robot TEMA Engineers have added a new robot with a unique design to maneuver obstacles, pick and drop object3s, and lots more. The features were found suitable for excellent performance in the solar system. The robot is specifically designed and manufactured for such a purpose. It has the ability to bypass obstacles with its two methods of movement which are common and suitable for environments of other planets.
The new robot came to walk and roll depending on perceived obstacles in front of it. A feature that makes it possible to climb and jump over obstacles. The handling arms are extendable making it possible to fold and unfold them to pick objects. The video below demonstrates the working abilities of the new robot. Â Â Â