Qualities of a Successful Engineer

Engineers are the Innovators, designers and architects of this present times. The machines and appliances we use in our day to day lives are made by engineers. Engineers are problem solvers. But to solve problems , engineers require certain qualities/skills. These qualities include:
1. Teamwork

Cooperation helps to fast track project completion. No man is an island. Some projects may require only one person, others may require a group of people. An Engineer must be able to work with teams. To establish trust , respect is necessary.
2. Enthusiasm for learning

Technologies and techniques of approach are constantly evolving, especially in the engineering field. A successful engineer is capable of keeping himself updated with latest information in Technology and also able to effectively deliver a good quality of work.
By nature, engineers are curious to acquire knowledge. They are concerned in knowing the way certain things operate. This gives them a natural enthusiasm for learning and enables them to continue acquiring more knowledge. The waves of advancements in technology is constantly changing, so it is very vital to constantly learn and stay updated.
3. Creative thinking

The inborn ability to “think outside the box” is a quality of successful engineers. The foundation of the engineering industry is the ability to give solutions to problems with creativity.
The most valued engineers are those that can give creative solutions to problems and creative ideas for projects. This is Because businesses, rely on creativity to effectively solve problems or enhance the efficiency of existing systems and processes.
4. Problem-solving

Big, medium and small projects, do face problems at some point. A good engineer should be able to address these problems as they come up.
They must carefully study the problem, and understand the effect it has on the project, and then put into play their analytical skills to get to the root of the problem.
An Engineer must be a listener to be able to get a comprehensive understanding of the problem and provide solutions.
5. Analytical ability

The ability to give solutions to problems works alongside the ability to analyse problems. It is expected of engineers to analytically think in order to solve problems.
6. Communication skills

There is more to Communication than just reading, writing, speaking or listening. To a successful engineer, communication is the ability to convert technical jargon into terms that a layman can easily understand without asking for help. Engineers communicate with people at various positions from managers to unskilled workers. The quality of good communication skills is vital to ensure the passage of the message.
7. Logical reasoning

For a full comprehension of a complex system, an engineer must first have an understanding of all the components of the system.
How the system operates, what problem can occur, and ways ro to address it must be known by the engineer. The ability to logical reason is necessary to understand the make up the problem.
8. Attentiveness to detail

Careful attention to the tiniest details is a quality of a successful engineer. The slightest error that may cause the Malfunction of a structure or set-up is understood by an engineer.
Big projects may be made up of a number of steps and a little misplacement of steps can reduce the output of an entire project. Being attentive to every detail is vital for success during the planning and development process.
9. Experience in mathematics

Complex derivative equations that engineers manually solve have now been replaced by software.
Engineers must be well grounded in trigonometry and calculus to be able to effectively use software packages and be also able to derive meaning from the results gotten from them.
10. Leadership Quality

A successful engineer has good interpersonal skills and capable of inspiring and motivating others to achieve set goals.
Reference: newengineer.com