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Major Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence In Software Applications

parcel deliverying robot

Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence In Software Applications


Artificial intelligence robots are springing up with incredible designs and features, but how far can they go? The current improvements in the making of AI robots have shown the unlimited application of robots both in the software and hardware. The challenges earlier seen in previous robots seem to have been overcome by the modern ones owing to their special features.

When I dropped the previous post for “….the possibility of a flying robot”, I never knew I was predicting an upcoming technology, it did not last up to four months when a drone manufacturing firm successfully made a self-driving drone, that is a drone operating basically on artificial intelligence technology.

The drone was the first of its kinds to make use of GPS location maps using a software AI to detect a location specified in its command base. The arrangement makes it easy for the drone to fly successfully and maneuvering obstacles to reach its destination.

The action of lifting and lowering over hills are completely controlled by the AI technology installed in the drone. Based on the test, the drone made the successful flight that lasted for about 15 minutes.

Today robots have well-programmed artificial intelligence such that they possess special abilities not seen in the previous robots. A good example is the newly made robots in China used for the processing of parcels for quick service delivery. Below is the picture of the robots as it was revealed by Mike Quindazzi.

Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence
Limitations Of Artificial Intelligence

In another dimension, the humanoid robots are advancing continuously from mere human-like structure to artificial humans decorated with artificial skin, artificial brain, artificial eye and artificial voice, etc. they now have special features and appearance that can make it difficult to differentiate between a human and a humanoid.


Despite the improvements in every aspect of artificial intelligence robots, how perfect can they be to operate the computers successfully? Now that most websites are adding captcha to every login page, comment form, registration page and other vital aspects of websites and apps functionalities. Can modern robots bypass such limitations placed on them?

The fact robots are good for automated actions can lead to high level of spamming and junk generations in websites and apps, so having a “Check” method like the Captcha for websites made available by Google to check the actions of bots. Such an idea has limited the internet accessibility of robots.

Captcha is a computerized test requiring the user to type a displayed series of letters, etc. to demonstrate that the user is not a robot or a computer program.

Some captcha can show a button for the user to click as a proof that it is not a bot that is operating, some can a simple question and answer space that proves the user is a human, while some can still be a simple calculation based captcha like 1+1=? The answer will prove the user is not a robot or an automatic computer program.

When it comes to the place that says “I, M NOT A ROBOT” in the captcha, how would the AI robots handle such situation? Can they detect and know where and when to type of click a captcha button? This limitation of the robot has made it useful for only a few software applications.

The said limitation is no way a disadvantage to humans since spamming and abuse of policies may become a common issue within the internet. And such is what the robot check is preventing.

However, based on the fact that AI robots run with computerized programs in their memory, there could be the possibility of overcoming such limitations in the future.

But such can happen only when proper programs are in place to overcome the limitation. In other words, no matter how the robots take over human jobs, they will still need human aid at one point or the other to cross over the ‘checkpoints’.

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