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Scientists’ 10 Major Alarming Fear Over AI Military Fighting Robots

Gundam Robot made in Japan (World's tallest and heaviest humanoid AI robot)

Why The Fear Over AI Military Fighting Robots Should be Considered

Fears Over AI Military Fighting Robots
MILITARY KILLER ROBOTS: Fears Over AI Military Fighting Robots

The new sets of robots in development otherwise known as autonomous fighting machine robots, robot soldiers, assaultive robotic machines, etc. have received serious curiosity from the scientists who are expecting nothing less than perfect from the robots.

The concern being shown in the development of the robot is based on the fact that they are being programmed to kill humans on a battlefield, detonate bombs, and carry out other assaultive military activities, etc. when all the above points were considered it means that any mistake of programming in the robots could become a potential danger to the developer or end-users.

Why Scientists Fear Over AI Military Fighting Robots

Current online debate on the above issue became serious when a newly completed military robot was displayed when it was having a gun shooting test.

According to the developers, the robot was confirmed to be more than 80% accurate in carrying out commands relating to military actions.

Scientists' 10 Major Alarming Fear Over AI Military Fighting Robots

However, some scientists throwback hundreds of questions as to when the robot will come into full military operations, how much would be the cost of acquiring such robot, how efficient it can be in its functions, etc. though not yet commercialized such robot may come with some restrict laws on who buys and operates it.

The manufacturers believe that little work still needs to be done to get the robot to its 99% efficiency before commercializing it to the military forces across the globe.

Assuming this robot finally becomes a success, can humans still engage each other on a battlefield? Perhaps the robots can do the job.

If driving robots can be employed to drive military armored tanks and accompanied by foot robot soldiers such battles or war fields will record little or no loss of life to human soldiers who may be operating the robots from a distance.

If that is the case, it means that the destruction and killings to be done by such military weapons could triple that of humans.

A key point in the debate focused on the accuracy of the shooting targets done is the robot and the possibility of missing the shot from the target to hit an innocent victim.

However, it is believed that robots such as this, can have an inbuilt laser system in their eyes to sense and interprets any object around them and may be more accurate than humans when properly operated.

As the world of robots is approaching with speed, laser technology, and sensors are also becoming more useful than conventional microchips.

The combination of all of them is what made the creation of robots to be possible.

Many experts had earlier released pictures of similar robots in their development in different places, just like humans two or three robots built for a specific function by different programmers cannot be the same in their intelligence.

While waiting for soldier robots, the current drones developed and used by the military can be said to be another robotic machine.


Considering the above points raised by the scientists in view of their major Fear Over AI Military Fighting Robots, such has been the bone of contention. However, use the comment section to share your views regarding this issue and the way forward.

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