What is Earth’s Magnetic Field Speedy Flip?

A new development has occurred recently following the discovery made by the Global world telecommunication with nodes connected around the earth.
Researchers who made the discovery said that a new study of previous reversals of earth magnetic field has found a rapid shift that occurred within two centuries and warned about the potential dangers associated with it.

A team of international scientists including those from the Australian National University (ANU) had warned that such a situation may increase the impact of the solar radiation to earth as the future draws by.
The increase of the planet’s exposure could lead to serious damages both to humans and properties within and outside the earth surface, which the researchers predict to cost up to trillions of dollars especially in the aspect of decimating power and telecommunications systems across the globe.
Normally, the earth’s magnetic field is generated by motion in the plant’s core according to scientific belief. The field is responsible in the indication of the north and south poles detectable using compasses.
A suspended bar magnet on the air will also reveal the earth’s magnetic field by showing the south and north poles through its suspended position.

According to the scientists, the earth’s magnetic field has been weakening at a rate of about five percent a century, which could possibly mean that the magnetic poles could soon flip leading to potentially disastrous result for life on earth.
History revealed that in every 300,000 years, the magnetic field of the north and south poles flip. Meanwhile, the last flip was roughly 780,000 years ago which has prompted observers to predict that the earth could be heading for another flip in no distant future. Based on statistics.
Research has shown the possible sooner occurrence of the flip than it was predicted earlier. Some, however, believed that the earth magnetic field is long overdue for the flip.
According to the source, professor Andrew Robert from the ANU’s Research School of Earth Sciences said: “the magnetic field’s strength decreased by about 90 percent when a field reversal occurred, making the earth much more vulnerable to the Sun’s radiation.”
Meanwhile, the earth’s magnetic field has existed for over 3 billion years providing a shield to the earth against the solar radiation. According to prof. Andrew, the earth is currently susceptible to solar storms that can cause great damage even when the magnetic field is strong as to be compared when it has decreased or flip.
Due to the impact of the magnetic field in electricity generation, any serious decrease or flip could lead to the total shutdown of electricity generating plants, because the alternator coils may be affected leading to the inability of power output.
Theflip in the earth’s magnetic field could render the whole earth vulnerable to direct sun radiation, power bridges, and immediate death of important microorganisms in the planet.

According to prof., the study that looked at the paleomagnetic record from 107,00 to 91,000 years ago based on precise magnetic analysis and radiometric dating of a stalagmite from a cave in southwestern China.
It revealed that about 40,000 years ago, Earth’s magnetic field underwent some changes but didn’t topple. Meanwhile, the new weakening and expansion of a weak hole in the field discovered in South Atlanta have led to concerns that a significant change may take place anytime soon in the Earth’s magnetic field.
In other to calm the situation of global panic, researchers believe there are ways the flip can be mitigated, i.e. avoided by applying some useful Technics in science.