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Oyindamola Depo Oyedokun @

Oyindamola Depo Oyedokun is a graduate of aerospace engineering and an author of a novel titled "Love and God". She is an all-round creative who loves how engineering is able to make her a creator. On a good day, she enjoys learning about as many aspects of the world as she can and sharing that knowledge with interested ears. You will find her here on her good days geeking about aviation. She loves to write and share information relating to engineering and technology fields, science and environmental issues, and Technical posts. Her posts are based on personal ideas, researched knowledge, and discovery, from engineering, science & investment fields, etc. Please, subscribe to our email list and follow our social media pages for regular and timely updates. You can follow EngineeringAll social media pages by typing “@ EngineeringAlls” in any social media search form (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc). You can submit your article for free review and publication by using the "PUBLISH YOUR ARTICLE" page at the MENU Buttons. If you love this post please share it with your friends using the social media buttons provided. CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO OUR EMAIL UPDATES

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