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Opolar rechargeable Fan: I Bought 3 Opolar 8inch” Rechargeable Fans, None of Them is Charging, Any Advice Please?

DWQA QuestionsCategory: TECHNICALOpolar rechargeable Fan: I Bought 3 Opolar 8inch” Rechargeable Fans, None of Them is Charging, Any Advice Please?
george Kraft Staff asked 4 years ago

I have purchased 3 Opolar 8inch" fans for use in my golf cart.  None of them will charge.  I have tried multiple power sources and cables to no avail.  I dont have the boxes so I cant return them.  I don't understand why they wont charge with a USB cable, neither have I been able to charge them with the USB-C connector.  Any advise is appreciated.

1 Answers
Philip N. @ Staff answered 4 years ago
Hello Sir, Thank you for dropping your question. Based on what you said, it appears that your rechargeable Fans need technical attention. You can take them to a nearby Technician to access the inside and know where the problem is coming from. Meanwhile, if you are trying to charge the three Rechargeable Fans with a particular cable and keep getting the error, consider using a different charging cable and check the current/voltage rating of the Fans charger.
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